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Posts posted by Shinny

  1. Probably. I don't know for sure. Wednesday nights Criminal Minds sorta freaked me out and now I think everyone I meet will be a crazy serial killer.

    I'll meet you though Lith. I've met you before... HAHA

    I should be there. +at least 1, if not more. If I remember, and my friends don't get me pissed as a fart.

  2. I'm in the middle of a long "Criminal Minds" re-watch as I need to do the research for my current hobby (I host/produce the podcast) and I forgot most of the first two seasons because Mandy Patinkin was in it and I really don't think he's a good actor, and his character, Gideon, was a prick. Joe Mantegna is so much better as Rossi, and Rossi reminds me of Fat Tony.

    But tonight I go on to Bones... which I really am not liking at the moment. I don't think the episodes ar holding up to what the show used to be. But I started so I'll finish.

  3. I've only just seen this... Yeah, we ended at a good point. We're all still going to download together still (I'm bringing a big group of mates along, so that should be funny. We're gonna be "Camp Criminal Minds" this year... Yeah... Coz we're awesome)

    Lith. You suck. Just saying. :P:P

  4. OK. I don't know where else to put this because I got TWO TWEETS of the cast of Criminal Minds today, and I'm freaking out about it a little coz they are so amazingly awesome!

    I got a "Happy Birthday Nicole" from Joe Mantegna because it's my best friends 21st today

    AND I got a "Hello" off of my favourite actor Thomas Gibson (yes from Dharma and Greg).

    I'm so happy.

    That is all.

  5. There's a guy who's been in the strathclyde student union the last couple of times I've been in who is the spitting image of Sweets :P

    He even dances how I think Sweets would dance :P

    Wasnt a massive fan of the 100th ep either,



  6. I LOVE Bones.....must people look at me strangly when i say that and i have to explain its a program etc. Just started re-watching Series 1.

    To stay on topic - i also love twitter, follow lots of things for work and even use it for work. Didn't truly get it until started to follow work related stuff and still amazes me how useful it can be.

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