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Posts posted by sparkle

  1. Have recently finished felidae by Akif Pirincci. I really enjoyed it - it is about a cat detective that has to find out who is murdering the local cats. And it's written from a cat's point of view. I know it probably sounds horribly twee but it isn't and it is a great story that has been translated (from German) very well.

    At the moment I'm reading a travel guide to south africa cos I need to make up my mind what I fancy doing when I'm there (apart from eating veggie food and seeing penguins).

  2. I'm feeling very rightous as I have donated a huge bag of books to the swap-a-book scheme that we have at work. I've got 2 more huge bags in the car but I couldn't carry them all down to work in one go!

    Currently reading - designing useability by Jakob Nielsen (geeky web book)

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