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Posts posted by Cultseeker

  1. is that the big dance fest they have in holland? I really want to do that one day! like global but bigger!

    dunno why I thought the Paris gig was before CW. must be the excitement :blink: have a good time in holland (are mushys legal there?) and Leeds!!!!

  2. when's the paris PJ gig? I thought it was last week for some reason?

    You're a leeds goer aren't you? I'm trying to find more peeps in the Reading campervan field. I did almost nothing at work today, just talked to people about Reading until the boss noticed. don't know how I'll get through monday tuesday and wednesday. :-S hope paris rocks then hope leeds rocks. arggghh it's so great! the best weekend of the year is nearly here!

  3. I object to that - I made a gag about the spacetime continuum unraveling if it was discovered that PJ were in the game to make money. In my very next post I pointed out it was a gag at the expense of the sanctimonious comments concerning PJ and their 'ethos'. I also pointed out that I don't care how many bootlegs they release and that I like good quality live recordings, and that I appreciate that they've done a lot for charidee. How is this duplicitous?

    Check you've got the right ammo before you get the blunderbuss out.

  4. Because, in this day and age, there's no reason to sell "official bootlegs" OTHER than to make a profit. Just allow soundboard/crowd recordings, which are just as good, and are free.

    Also, the 72 bootlegs are still on iTunes for 79p per song.

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