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I am Jon

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Posts posted by I am Jon

  1. 25 minutes ago, balti-pie said:


    Cake! double cake! 



    Can't beat a chocolate brownie washed down with coffee for a quick boost. Your burning a lot of calories walking and standing all day so gotta keep topped up.


    I also keep some glucose tablets with me in case of emergencies:



    Used to take a couple of painkillers (ibuprofen / paracetamol / codeine) to help with painful back and feet. Have pretty much stopped taking these as well due to health problems, got intestine issues so NSAIDs (ibuprofen) are out these days.

  2. First sober day fest at Slam Dunk went well. Had a couple pints of draft Lucky Saint (0.5%) that really helped, don't miss the alcohol that much so long as I can still have a refreshing pint while sat on the grass. Will be taking a few cans with me so can still enjoy a couple after setting up the tent.


    My one concession at Glastonbury will be a 1/2 pint at the cider bus.

  3. 1 minute ago, MJP said:

    Does anyone remember if the bars had Special Effect, Brooklyn's low/no-alc around?


    I've been trying to source some in a can but looks like they only do it in glass bottles...


    Hope they sell some good alcohol free beers. Facing my first sober festival, not bothered about not getting drunk so long as can still enjoy a few refreshing beers in the sun.

  4. 22 minutes ago, paulshane said:

    yeah, it's the noticeboard thats been there years. Also, it's 2024, you don't need to photograph your monitor to maker a screenshot, if you're windows, press WinKey+Shift+S and then drag a box around what you want to snip - Mac is  shift+Command+4




    EDIT: well, interesting , perhaps it comes and goes when theres something about to happen? 🙂


    Looks like an old Glastonbury free press sign?

    Glastonbury 2022: A Festival Defined By Talent, Euphoria and Protest |  RockShot Magazine

  5. I’m getting it now. Fair enough should pay for gold but it’s so intrusive forum is barely useable. 
     Full screen and pops up multiple times after closing without even reloading page. Popped up 5 times just trying to write this!

    Can’t even get rid of it by completing the ‘survey’. I’m using iPhone 


  6. Getting over emergency intestine surgery, was reasonably "fit" before but not necessarily healthy. Not something I want to risk going through again so need a bit of a lifestyle change, quitting alcohol, less sugar & caffeine, healthy eating and generally trying to reduce amount of stress in my life.

    Lost about 8kg due to the surgery, was a bit overweight anyhow but have probably lost more muscle than fat. Can exercise again now so goal is to get the muscle back without putting weight on. Hopefully as we go into spring the weather will improve so can get more time on bike and out walking. Never been into gyms but trying to get back into exercising at home again as well.

  7. Managed to get 2 tickets on T-Day from hospital bed in China after emergency surgery on intestines.

    Being back in UK a while now and finally starting to feel normal again, back at work but only doing 3 day week. Got first gig of the year Zutons this Friday. Can't really drink alcohol anymore but after 2+ weeks on a drip just having real food and non-alcoholic beverages is a blessing.

    Can't wait for June!

    • Like 2
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  8. Same every year.  

    The only patterns that matter are having more people & devices trying for your group and never give up. Slow & steady F5 single browser tabs in every device, don’t wait for 20 sec auto refresh (won’t cause problem unless spamming servers with 30+ requests/ min). Don’t believe any sold out, unavailable, error message (F5 & resubmit data for any errors on transaction page), keep trying till 10+ min after official sellout confirmation, as locked tickets can drop back into available pool. 

    Good luck to everyone on Sunday!

    • Like 1
  9. 47 minutes ago, Mark H said:

    This sounds rough!! BUT it could also turn out to be the greatest ticket day success story ever if you pull it off! Good luck to you and wishing you a speedy recovery.

    The miracle happened at 2:23am.  Can’t believe it worked from my phone in this hospital bed. Never give up no matter how many times you see sold out / unavailable. See you June. 

    Best of luck to those trying on Sunday sale. 

    • Like 8
  10. 16 minutes ago, clarkete said:

    If that's for real, then hope your stay there works out OK 🙂 

    For reals, was due to fly back today (already friday past 1am here). But my intestines had other ideas, going to be a good few weeks before I get back to uk now. 

  11. Annoying for some a but a relief for me. 

    Going to be abroad until 17th so was doubting my chances of getting through on just mobile. Unfortunately won't be back in time for the the coach sale but figure odds of getting through are greater in the main sale.

  12. 13 minutes ago, Gnomicide said:

    Depends if it switched back to October or not. If it does; Coach 5th, General 8th October.

    If it stay in November, good luck with the wifi/mobile data signal wherever you are going.

    We never really found out why it switched to November, rumours of something to do with a dead old lady but my republican self refuses to believe that would be the case.

    Now i'm anxious for the sale date announcement. Will have virtually no internet access where we are going, likely still stuck on airplane Sun 5th Nov. Have a couple of friends who will be trying for us but historically it's always been me who got through.

    When do they normally announce the sale date?

  13. What date are we expecting the sale to be on? Just realized i'm away for first week of Nov 😬

    Glasto thingy informs me it is usually first week in Oct (Coach Thursday and main Sunday), but last year it was first week in November. Anyone know why it was later last year?  

  14. This was our 15th, not done yet. Been camping other festivals since 95 but first Glastonbury wasn’t until 2004.

    Aiming for 20 (maybe 25 😄) before retiring. Might miss a few along the way if not blessed by ticket gods. Prepared to treat ourselves to a couple of glamping years if that’s what it takes. Got 3 camping festivals pencilled in for next year so not slowing down yet.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Quark said:

    Obvs gonna be harder if it's a friend, but yup.  Unfortunately if a business is built on reliance of a single person never leaving then it's never going to be sustainable.

    I talk a great game post-fest. Ask me again in 6 months when I'm absolutely buried and tearing my hair out 😂

    Totally not sustainable, unfortunately it's been a tough few years for recruitment and company doesn't really have the funds it needs. Feel like I've spent the last 10 years trying to make myself dispensable but every time I get close someone leaves and end up back to square one.

  16. 16 minutes ago, Skip997 said:

    I'm in exactly the same position, except it's complicated by the fact there's only two of us, who have been friends for decades.

    Same for me.

    Fed up with job, pretty much just a team of two of us running things. Just had leave rejected for a festival next month as turns out the other has already booked off. So tempted to just hand in my 4 weeks notice but aside from then looking for a new job there is also the guilt of situation I'd be leaving my colleagues in. 

  17. 1 hour ago, HoTWire said:

    Glastonbury apparently hates female acts: I'll ignore the headline stuff here, that is hard to book, I'm sure there are massive amounts of negotiation and that stuff goes in to it all, I don't give a toss about the headliners to be honest. I'm more wondering why the hell Beth Orton was on so early on West Holt, why wasn't she high up in Acoustic or Avalon (if you think she isn't deserving of a spot higher up on the 'main' stages). More than that why was she scheduled opposite Gwenno and CMAT, there are three artists right there that share an audience and would make for an absolutely fantastic run on a stage. A pattern that played out a number of times across the weekend. Poor poor show. Be better.

    To be fair the positioning thing isn't restricted to female acts. Why wasn't Ben Howard much higher up? Why was Fred Again.. not headlining? Absolute madness.

    I think one of the great things about Glastonbury is an artist can draw in huge crowds at any time of day, often more than the headliners get. This year Rick Astley at 12pm was pretty packed, Churnups was packed, legend slot always draws a big crowd. Was much better seeing Beth Orton play afternoon slot on West Holts rather than clashing with Elton etc.

  18. My biggest gripe is Pylon Ground been turned into crew camping.

    As a result Darble was particularly packed by Thursday evening. Any green travellers not wanting or able to find space in Darble were left facing a long walk across the site with all their gear. 

    Seems a very odd decision to me, the festival should be doing all it can to encourage green travel not making life harder for us. Hopefully will be reversed next year. 

    • Upvote 2
  19. 3 minutes ago, Crazyfool01 said:

    I’ve had one confirm from site that standard pegs seem ok … anyone else before I nip to go outdoors 

    I've always managed to get standard pegs in, but if already bent from previous years they can be impossible. Always good to have a few spares with you.

  20. My list:

    - Army Boots

    - Trainers

    - 7x socks for boots

    - 7x short socks

    - 6 x boxers (may not use if gets really hot 😉)

    - 2 x short sleeved shirts

    - 4 x T-Shirts

    - 2 x Hoodie’s (one warm & one super light)

    - Waterproof Poncho

    - Outdoors type trousers

    - Convertible trousers

    - 2 x Shorts

    - Big flowery sun hat

    - Flowery flared leggings

    - Contemplating fishnets to complete the army boot & shorts look 🤔

    Can never have too many socks!



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