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Posts posted by Olivavu

  1. You appear to be missing my point.

    In my opinion Blind Melon were nothing special; Rage had a great debut and a few decent covers and children of the sun, but were mainly a bit crap; alice in chains were very samey; I don't know Filter.

    Even NIN and Faith no More were a bit patchy.

    Hardly any of these were truly commercial, those type of bands are stilla bout, you have to find them for yourself.

  2. Surprised you weren't sure deutsche Harru, it's probably their biggest hit in the U.K. I haven't heard it for a long time, but I always thought it had poo lyrics, even back in 1994. It kind've got me thinking though, if these lyrics are worth quoting, allow me this brief detour:

    Is it sex, or is it love? [4x]

    You got it on the side

    A little one night thing

    I thought it over and this time I will forgive you

    Well I'm not letting go

    But don't forget I know

    You made your bed and she was in it, no no no

    What she's gonna look like with a chimney on her? [4x]

    Well I'm not blaming you

    But she's still hanging around

    And she's so crazy, I'll tell ya now I just don't trust her

    She thinks she's right on time

    But I think she crossed the line

    And I'm ready for the ride, I'm ready if it's party time

    What she's gonna look like with a chimney on her? [3x]

    Is it sex, or is it love? [5x]

    Personally, I think these are deeper, more interesting lyrics than those of 'Spin The Black Circle' - but then again i have bads taste :P Imagine the hours of fun we could have deconstructing the chimney bit :blink:

  3. Exactly that man! Therein lies the problem - for every thing Olivavu says that I agree with, his labelling of others as having bad taste completely voids his argument.

    He assumes a standpoint from which his taste somehow has more validity than anyone else's, which is clearly complete and utter balls.

  4. Look a bit harder then numbnuts. Seriously for every Coldplay there is a White Stripes. For every Franz Ferdinand there is a Muse. For every Hard-Fi there is a Rakes.

    And that's only the big bands, never mind the million and one great bands that play this fair nation every week (admittedly I'm in Leeds so I'm a little spoilt) in venues up and down the country. Go see some local bands, go online and try something, get some recomendations from some mates. If you really care about music you'll find it.

  5. lp.gif

    see this needle...a see my hand...

    drop, drop, dropping it down...oh, so gently...

    well here it comes...i touch the plane...

    turn me up...won't turn you away...

    spin, spin...spin the black circle

    spin, spin...spin the black, spin the black...

    spin, spin...spin the black circle

    spin, spin...whoa...

    pull it out...a paper sleeve...

    oh, my joy...only you deserve conceit...

    i'm so big...a-my whole world...

    i'd rather you...rather you...than her...

    spin, spin...spin the black circle

    spin, spin...spin the black, spin the black...

    spin, spin...spin the black circle

    spin, spin...whoa...oh...

    you're so warm...oh, the ritual...when i lay down your crooked arm...

    spin, spin...spin the black circle

    spin, spin...spin the black, spin the black...

    spin, spin...spin the black circle

    spin, spin...

    spin the black circle

    spin the black circle...

    spin, spin...

    spin, spin...

  6. that would be worth seeing coldplay headlining though, he trys to beat eddie vedder, jumps from a huge height, forgetting the big gap between him and the audience (who are elsewhere) and falls to a large painful death when his piano then falls on him... it would be worth the music in my opinion
  7. is it called dead horse? i can never listen to the whole thing... but yes it is rather funny.. when i was doing work experience at hmv they started every day in the stockroom by blasting it around the room, all cracking up.. good memories.
  8. nora i get the feeling the days of the hippies on the forum are long gone.. take a bullet proof monacle to reading with you... theres too many things going on in this one topic, but yes, reading soon, pearl jam soon, nora hates olivavus music, and i just noticed that cassetteboy's cd dead horse has a spoof coldplay x & y logo that is crossed out with cassetteboy written next to it, a favourite of cultseeker and olivavu im sure.
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