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Posts posted by ark

  1. Plenty of non-arena festies :

    Truck - coming up soon - no arena - no corporate.

    Green Man - August - technically there is an arena, but pretty lax getting in to it.

    Both festivals I would recommend, but both missing the "green fields" aspect of Glasto.

    Festivals with arenas, and tight security include V, Reading, IOW, Oxygene and Latitude.

    Latitude does, tho, have good "other" entertainment - poetry, comedy, literature, dance etc.

  2. I am so glad I made it to CT - as soon as I arrived in the car park I stopped feeling that I was on my own and joined in an overnight vigil with mamjojo and all the rest.

    Kelly (halfpint) was my uber-hero, for encouraging me from gate D to CT not once but twice - the second time she dragged my trolley when I was about to give up and keel over - for that xxxxx

    I loved meeting Sarah, Lucy, Claire, Lora, Andy (who I still think of as Dave).

    Lucy (lucious) you are an amazing person, Venus I love too - everyone so friendly, thank you!

    It was immense, awesome, amazing.........

    Thanks to all who make CT what it is

  3. You have a clip of My Luminaries in there -love that band, sadly they hardly seem to have played any gigs since last year! "Sound of Music" great track :)

    Nice video, btw, I havent seen this before - thanks!

    What is the song after My Luminaries?

  4. i just got the job i applied for (yaaaaaaay) which means i am no longer on 'consultation (redundancy)' :D yaaaaaaaay!!!

    so... does anyone fancy meeting up to help me celebrate this fantastic news? i was thinking around 6pm, on wednesday, at a bus filled with somerset apply goodness??? :D:D:D

    p.s. Spindles :( sad and sorry news, i will keep everything crossed for you!!

  5. Probably just finished packing the car up, and then will get a few hours sleep before the drive to 'Heaven on Earth'. Don't know what time I am leaving yet. All depends on whether I go straight to the carpark, or pop in the Rifllemans to meet eFesters

  6. The westons cider boxes are they ok to freeze as is or do they need a bit draining first.

    Oh I started bringing my igloo and contents down to temperature today, will get everything nice and cold and a quick blast in the freezer for a few hours before I leave, the westons I plan on freezing solid though.

  7. Ahh, it's all become clear. At some point Firefox has deleted your cookies and you've been issued a new UID (because the site had no way of knowing that it'd seen you before). The bookmark you've got set for the clashfinder page has got your old UID in it.

    When you visit the page by following the bookmark, you're seeing your old highlights. When you modify them and save, you're saving to your *new* UID. When you follow the bookmark again, you see your old highlights.

    If you bookmark this page: http:///s/g2011/ all should be well. Your highlights should be restored automatically when you revisit the page. If not, just click the restore link.

    I really ought to pull my finger out and set up proper user accounts so you won't have a problem if (when) the browser deletes its cookies.

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