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  1. Any guesses who the secret special guest on Saturday on the V&V could be?
  2. Amazons announce later then? Could be the last big name and then a few smaller ones plus late night DJs
  3. Very true! I was struggling to see who else is on the circuit and also didn’t play last year. Looks like we’ll find out next week judging off the email they’ve just sent!
  4. Are we assuming that we’ve got all 3 subheadliners including the kooks? I could see Declan McKenna easily being one but sea girls feel too small for that slot to me. The sugababes are appearing a lot over the summer so potential for them too maybe. Scouting for girls are playing the Thursday at Y Not, so that’s possible. Also, reckon example could be there too, possibly in the late night spot?
  5. Does anyone have any suggestions of people to check out on the lineup who are similar to Moderat or The Blaze? Last year seemed to be way more stacked in that capacity with Chemical Bros, Kraftwerk, Caribou etc.
  6. I messaged the instagram account and they replied 'we will announce it very soon'. read into that what you will!
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