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Posts posted by 0nlyOne

  1. 6 minutes ago, StoneCircle said:

    This is from Oxfam's Festival Q & A's so you will be fine, I have also added the link so you can access the site as their is loads of advice on there. Not sure where @Skip997 got his information but it isn't applicable to volunteering. You can register your interest here - https://www.oxfamapps.org.uk/festivals/register-interest/  I am an Oxfam volunteer so shout out if you have any questions. 🙂


    I am not from the UK. Can I volunteer?

    If you are from the Common Travel Area (UK, Republic of Ireland, Isle of Man), are an EU/EEA citizen holding Settled or Pre-Settled Status, have European Temporary Right to Remain, or have a Working Holiday Visa, you have the right to volunteer in the UK. If you hold a different visa or immigration status, you need to check if you have the right to volunteer before applying.

    UK immigration rules allow visitors from the EU to undertake volunteering provided it lasts no longer than 30 days in total. We are unable to support volunteer visas.

    Thank you, really appreciate it

  2. Hello guys, I wanted to know if me and my friends are able to work at Glastonbury? We all live in Germany and we tried to get tickets for 2023 but due to technical difficulties at the website we had no chance in gettin tickets that's why I'm asking if we are able to work in UK and if we have to apply for a working VISA?

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