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Posts posted by wilson123

  1. Lost my phone on bloody Wednesday night - guess that's what I get for chasing whiskey with lager - but nothing other than that.

    I did find my tent completely unzipped when I returned at 6am one morning but I always carry everything on me (and sleep with it in my pockets).

    For the person who said scary how people don't notice people coming in their tents, there were plenty of times over the last five days that I'd been so far out of it once I was in my sleeping that unless they grabbed me I wouldn't know they were in there.

  2. We arrived in E2 about 2am and had an hours kip in the car before we checked the queue and saw it tailing all the way up the steep hill and along the car lane of E2 out towards E3.

    So we joined the queue just at the top of the hill going into E2 and soon saw that basically people didn't give a sh1t that there was a queue. They'd walk down to the toilets at the bottom, linger and then just push in. Happened all the way until we left the field if I'm honest. In the last part of E, as it came to the road and there were toilets, we watched a guy just traipse along the top near the cars, with all his gear, and just push in when the crowd moved again when the road was clear.

    The arrogance from some people is astonishing.

  3. Agree. Didn't think The Rolling Stones were the best Pyramid headliner I'd ever seen, thought Mick Jagger's joke about only now being asked to play was a bit cheeky and felt at times well aware that I was watching a group of pensioners - but they were still pretty bloody brilliant. It was a great set.

    On another note - you went into the crowd for The Rolling Stones three/four hours before they came on? Of course that made getting a good spot easy...

  4. I was at Michael's Q&A on Sunday morning and someone asked about this - he said they had people doing the same role who weren't the Green Police (he didn't elaborate on who they were, though). He also said the Environment were testing the Whitelake every two hours to check for pollution levels.

    It's a scary amount of money isn't it? It could pay for so many better things than collecting litter, whether that's fees for acts on stage or a larger donation to the festival's good causes.

  5. I couldn't believe it when the sanitisers were left empty for days so when I saw one of the workers cleaning the bogs I asked and she said: "We can't fill them up any more because they keep breaking into the stores and drinking them"

    What the actual F...

  6. Busiest I've seen it on a Wednesday since I first went five years ago but then that is to be expected when people can get another day out of it.

    Other than that I didn't think it was that bad moving about. Agreed about the Other Stage though, it was constantly full each time I walked by.

    However stone circle, was absolutely dead on Thursday night. Wasn't as full as previous years (if my drunk brain remembers rightly) at 7am on the Friday.

  7. Well for all of you moaning about it allow me to give you a warning for Arctic Monkeys, p1ss will be thrown. Not by me mind, but I've seen them three or four times and there is usually A LOT of p1ss on the go; think it is the Oasis-esque crowd they attract.

    There are some issues with this thread though. Most p1ss throwing I've seen is by a group of lads and I'm not about to turn around like I'm He-Man and tell someone 'put it away or lose it' or whack them in the face when I will then have him and his mates giving me hassle for the rest of my time stood there.

    I've no issue if someone wants to have a p1ss in a cup, stick your cock in the cup so no one has to see, but p1ss throwing is grim. I've been a victim, luckily I was wearing a waterproof jacket!

  8. It's a strange one the Pyramid. Like others have said, unlike some festivals, it seems relatively easy to worm your way to the front. I was there for the Friday and Saturday in 2011 and it was busy, but not stupid busy like I've seen at Reading for instance. That said I do take into account that Coldplay and U2 aren't likely to pull the rowdy type crowd that Arctics will draw.

    Agreed regarding the crush getting in and out, actually was horrific for a short while.

    Once you're in though you're in. It's a fair old walk to get out so remember to have a slash before you go in :)

    Arctic Monkeys I imagine will be busy. Saw them a couple years' back at MEN and there was a huge pit for that so I expect it'll be similar.

  9. I bet if Mumfords cancel, Kasabian will do it. They have a show rehearsed as they are playing at the Olympic Park the night before... My other half has been saying for weeks he thinks they are on "Glasto standby".

  10. Camped on Pennards for the last three; see no issue with it. The people have always been nice enough that I've come across there and never have any trouble. It is busy but I've not had someone pitch on top of my tent yet - a la Benicassim 2007.

  11. If they do-gooders think a trolley full of beer is too much they want to visit Southside Festival and watch how much drink the optimistic Germans cram in over three days.

    Glad it has been retracted though, couldn't be arsed to carry a crate over two miles

  12. I usually turn up, throw caution to the wind and ignore that the first night will always hit me hard. Wake up rough Thursday, go from there to be honest. My body slowly shuts down as the days go on and usually by Saturday I can drink eight times what I was drinking and still be 'sober'.

    Sunday is usually about survival to be honest. I always find it strange how people seem to wind-up their operations on Sunday, it goes from a party to people just 'getting by'. Not for everyone of course.

  13. Also, might I add, it depends which gate you are going in. Last time out the queue was manic and ridiculous at D - idiots pushing in because it was pouring rain etc - yet our mates went to Gate B and rang us from Pennards at around half 8.

  14. Basically if you are going in on the Tuesday don't go to bed instead join the queue. Even then, be prepared to queue.

    We rolling in about 2am on Wednesday last year, had a kip woke up at 5am and the queue was huge. Joined the queue about 6am, got in about 10am.

  15. I take a cheap Nokia but in all honesty it has only ever been useful back in 2009 when I text the wife to ask if Jackson was actually dead and not a festival wind up. Other than that, I text people and say 'meet you at the massive Glastonbury sign near Park' and then get a response six hours later

  16. Doesn't the 'sub-culture' just move with times? Hipster is an awful term that has become rife in the past few years', yet when I was at uni ten years' ago it wasn't even a term anyone knew; at that time it was 'indie'. Has indie now gone then and been replaced by hipster?

    Either way, this whole thread is rather backward as hipsters seem to be - generally - left-leaning and isn't that was Glastonbury is built out of? (no nuclear, Greenpeace etc)

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