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Posts posted by Baz178

  1. 1 minute ago, sisco said:


    not dismissing them headlining.  I’d suggest BST would want a late announcement (if them) to protect their ticket sales

    Ohhh sorry thought you meant it the other way ! Yes they probably would ! 

  2. 1 minute ago, crazyfool1 said:

    can you just post a couple more times so we can count you as a credible source  :) 

    Yes I know I’m not going to be a credible source with been new ! But I know I asked somebody who I know his very close to the band ! And that’s what he has said. I think if they wasn’t there he would of told me no there not. 

  3. Well I’ve got some information I asked a close source to rhcp who goes to every single gig they do and has connections with the band, if they was any information of them headlining pyramid stage! And he asked me we’re I got the information from that I thought they were headlining he seemed like shocked that I had the information like he was hiding something. So he wrote back and said well I really can’t talk about it to be honest. 

    so I would say it’s a really strong possibility that they are headlining Friday night to be honest.  

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