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Posts posted by Mozzer79

  1. 12 minutes ago, mazola said:

    Decathlon and Go Outdoors both do them. 

    We bought 4 and are going to try pegging them to the top of the inner bedroom tent bit, so it forms a barrier between the inner and outer tent. Will have to see how much they rattle about though, don't want to piss everyone around us of with constant crinkling.

    Ingenius! Thanks to you and all others that replied. Much appreciated. Have a wicked time next weekend 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Flysheet said:

    Countryfile wasn't exactly good either.

    Just putting the factor 30 in my bag and I find that they're looking at cooler temps and rain nearly every fucking day...

    Technically you're right about rain everyday. Somewhere in the world...

  3. Ventusky saying rain will arrive in the wee hours of Saturday.

    Accuweather also predict rain on the fest weekend. 

    YR saying 29 degrees on Thursday with a little rain on Friday and a big temp drop off

  4. 7 minutes ago, eFestivals said:

    Anyone stopped to think about what will get the youngsters out to vote after they've taken the free-uni bribe?

    It's great they voted, but there won't always be something of such big relevance to get their attention with.

    You don't think liberal values had anything to do with this?

  5. Accuweather continues to predict a typical glastonbury in which the weather is great until the music starts at which point the rain comes. Don't tell me, Monday will then be dry and warm...

    Netweather had hitherto been pretty pessimistic but are now forecasting less rain.

  6. Just now, Zac Quinn said:

    you reckon? I thought that was the best interview I've ever seen with him. Looked fantastically relaxed. (sorry if this has already been discussed at length, been living this election on twitter rather than here)

    For the most part he was good but there were a couple of cringe moments such as "I'm the most generous man in the world!"

    It'll be interesting to see if he lets a few notable detractors back in the team.

  7. 10 minutes ago, eFestivals said:

    self-selected party members is not the wider electorate.

    And he'd have lost that 2nd vote if the vote was held only amongst the members who'd voted for him the first time, too.


    It's certainly required some extraordinary vanity. He had 82% of Labour MPs call for him to step down as leader, for strong and solid reasons.

    Tory party rules require their leader to step down if only 15% of MPs are against them. IDS stepped down despite him still having very solid support amongst the membership (similar to Jez).

    It never showed up in PMQs very much. He did improve, but even with the improvement he still missed endless open goals.

    Still, anything is better than the letters from Mrs Miggins. :)

    It'll be interesting to see how he goes when he gets back to the day job. I hope his new-found confidence has an improvement, but him shitting all over one of his own shadow ministers in the GE campaign doesn't fill me with huge amounts of hope. It shows it hasn't gone away.


    I'm quite happy for it to be seen like that, if that's how you want to say it .... but it was still 2 years of very shit.

    He certainly needs to avoid the hubris that was evident on the Marr show. Cockiness doesn't suit him. 

    Labour need to unite to keep the bandwagon going. 

    The Tories now have a chance to create a softer image and steal Labour's Brexit vision. Expect the word 'hope' to be seriously overused in the next GE campaigns.

  8. 40 minutes ago, eFestivals said:

    in which case Jez *MUST* have been doing shit for 2 years. 


    Well he won two successive leadership campaigns in what has been two years of relentless campaigning, despite the constant detracting and plotters in his own party. 

    That shows remarkable strength. I'd be knackered! 

    He also quite evidently improved his public speaking since those early days of DC giving him a pasting in PMQs.

    It isn't at all a case of 2 years of shit then a six week turnaround, more likely 2 years of developing from a no-hoper to a genuine challenger. 

    Quite impressive. And I'm not a Corbynista at all. 

  9. It was an election win for the Tories and 2nd place for Labour BUT it was a defeat politically for May and a resounding win for Corbyn.

    The reason being that the turnaround of political momentum has been huge!

    May has gone from a free reign on a hard Brexit, with a divided party held together by the comfort of their unthreatened power, to now being tethered to soft Brexit, exposed as unpopular within her own ranks, and fearful of Corbyn.

    Corbyn has gone from unelectable, not credible, hated by fellow shadow ministers, to a party leader with momentum, legitimacy, a popular manifesto and support from a much broader population within the party. 

    I mean, even Tories are complimenting Corbyn's campaign and the likes of Eagle, Umunna and Watson are singing his praises. That was unimaginable a few weeks ago.

    What further cements Corbyn's victory is that he is not only guaranteed to stay in situ til the next election, but has comfortably survived every true and false criticism that has been slung his way by both the Tories and the media could muster.

    The Tories thought that they could put Corbyn to the sword by winning the propaganda war. But next time, Lynton Crosby, Paul Dacre, Rupert Murdoch and all the other players in the anti-socialism elite will have to reconsider their approach. 

    Calling Corbyn a 'Terrorist Sympathising Britain-Hater', barely made a dent this time rounds so what chance of the same strategy having value next time?

    Bizarrely, any Tory would fret at the prospect of taking Corbyn on in another GE. 

    That's why it's a victory for Corbyn.

  10. 12 minutes ago, Keithy said:

    If anyone is struggling to stay awake, I'll just post this.




    You'll never sleep again.

    Gives new meaning to the phrase 'hung parliament '

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