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Posts posted by Echiham

  1. 1 hour ago, HunterRule said:

    I think you are confusing camping tickets with festival ticket (camping included). Though tickets were initailly like 200 Euros people are selling them much cheaper now due to horrible weather forecast.

    oh well tht makes more sense I thought the festival tickets was only the 3 days w/o camping, cause I'm looking on it on ticketswap and looking at camping regular tickets are around 100 euros. Thanks for the clarification !

  2. Hello I'm thinking about going to PP for the first time and I have some questions hopefully someone can help!

    My first question is, is it possible to use IDEAL as a payment method on the festival grounds to buy tokens and such? so like a dutch bank card.

    Second question. What's the easiest way to get there coming from the Netherlands? Does the festival ticket work the same as Rock Werchter's where I wouldn't have to pay to use the train within Belgium?


  3. On 5/16/2017 at 4:47 PM, McCallion said:

    Where abouts in the Netherlands are you going from? You can get a bus from Amsterdam for 12 euro to Brussels

    I am living in Arnhem currently that's why I figured maybe going to Antwerp from there is the cheapest but the one u suggested also sounds good!

  4. Hey everyone, I'm a student from the Netherlands going for the first time to RW and was wondering what's the cheapest way to get there? Since I have free OV I figured I can take a train to Antwerpen then to Leuven. I'm also trying to see if going with the festivalbus or train is more convenient in terms of luggage and price. 

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