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Posts posted by Lucys92

  1. Would it be possible for me to be cheeky and ask if anyone would maybe help me out in getting a ticket? If the resale is after today it's highly unlikely i'll be able to get anywhere near a ticket as I'm starting a new job and am stuck in meetings and inductions! :sorry:

    No worries if not I know people are massively overloaded as it is!

  2. 4 minutes ago, gibble said:

    What kind of response time is needed then?! Surely it would only take a second or two to see that the page doesn't load... is this the margins we are talking? 

    From what was said yesterday all the tickets were sold out in 90 seconds last year, so every second counts! I'm not risking it knowing my luck!

  3. So i'm thinking, do we all have pretty good odds of getting through on the site? on the resale I didn't even manage to get onto the page but i'm thinking as there won't be as many people on the server we might all have a reasonable chance if were fast enough?

  4. Just now, g_upinhere said:

    If you buy a coach ticket (from wherever) can you just not show up for the coach and find your own way to the festival? Would your festival ticket still be valid? 

    I read somewhere that you get given your ticket on the coach so you have to get the coach down. Not sure if it applies on the way back though

  5. Just now, Johnkhutch said:

    I've only enough in the bank for a GA ticket unfortunately otherwise I'd have tried in vain for a Liverpool coach ticket.

    Do we know roughly how much more coach tickets are? 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Lucys92 said:

    So i just tested the checkpage alerts on this forum and not only did I not get a text from them the email was sent to my Junk folder!! Anyone know how to fix this?

    UPDATE: I have now received a bundle of texts 5 mins after the update! this does not bode well.....

  7. I've not posted on here much, but just wanted to say a massive thank you to all you guys. You've all helped so much and it makes so much difference having people who are all in the same boat during this testing time! :)

    Hopefully we all get tickets!

  8. Hey guys, just wondering, is most likely gonna have to try for tickets on my phone as I'll be at work, ive got auto fill on chrome set up for the reg number and postcode boxes, but is there a way to have payment details ready too? Obviously we can't access the payment page yet so not sure if there's a different way around it? 

    Not very tech savvy haha


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