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Posts posted by TheBoyInTheBubble

  1. Does anybody have any suggestions for decent ways to combat hayfever at Glasto? My cousin is going with me and suffers from it at times. I'm just looking for some suggestions to assist him to minimise the potential for it hitting (highly difficult I'd suggest at a festival).

  2. This has become such a hot topic I'm expecting David Cameron to be on a podium tomorrow dropping a laptop in the bin and blaming Neil for ruining his festival season.

    Gordon Brown will unfortunately suggest a quick trip to Boots to get some paracetamol might help him with his virus.

    Nerds and their computers - they're worse than girls over shoes.

  3. I'm just thinking how tough will that journey home be. I struggled last year to lift my legs onto the train let alone canoe for six days. Highly, highly, highly impressive (if slightly dangerous).

  4. any idea if its a dj set, or if he'll doing stuff from his 80's hayday?

    i understand that he's on in dance village so it'll prob be a dj set but just thought i'd ask!


  5. 1998 - my first Glasto and getting back to the tent with my mate to find it under three inches of water because the people next to us had handily borrowed some of our pegs...

    2008 - Sunday night tiredness catching up with me and lying in my tent near hysterical thinking there was a helicopter above me struggling to stay in the air.

    Also 2008 - after Efests meet on the Wednesday night having to go to the portaloo at 4 in the morning to be sick as a hangover kicked in for a while. It was horrific.

  6. Maybe so, but there are still crimes that are committed, I would prefer a police presence so at least you can go and get help if you are a victim. I think the way the police present themselves at Glasto is pretty ace, they're friendly, helpful and join in the fun with their fairy wings and stuff.
  7. I love U2 - really love U2 - and whilst I wouldn't quite call them corporate whores they can be rather greedy :P To think otherwise is slightly naive
  8. I bought a t-shirt at my first Glasto. I don't think I've bought any merchandise since - although I will accept being surprised when rummaging through my wardrobe one day and find one from another year.

    I keep meaning to purchase something a bit more meaningful that I can keep on me permanently (or at least until I get over my tattoo fear).

  9. I need to buy:


    Sleeping Bag




    Wet Ones


    Yeah, I've got nowt other than my ticket thus far.

    Can forget about sleeping bag, I do have one of them from a camping set I bought for my cousin for Christmas.

  10. Surprised at the negativity to be honest. Were people just expecting a bigger name for the TBA?

    I'm very happy about his anyway. Another addition to my must see list.

    Jack White has to be one of the only people to play the pyramid as a fully fledged member of 3 seperate acts musn't he? Possibly the only one?

  11. I think this is good news, depending on where they play, i'm loving the Jack White and Allison Mosshart collaboration. I missed them last year and will definatley catch them this year. Jack on the Pyramid is always good! Remember the set he did with The Raconteurs? :P
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