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Posts posted by TheBoyInTheBubble

  1. I'm sorry to completely drive this thread off topic but,

    I've always pictured casual sex as one guy going up to

    a girl casualy, you know just like normally walking and saying

    "Alright Mate" and then the girl replying "Yeah I'm good thanks"

    and then then after a short convo about the weather or something

    like that the guy saying "Fancy a quick shag" and then the girl

    saying "Yeah alright then". Obviously because It's casual no

    perculiar noises will be made, very quiet or short noises if anything.

    And then when there done which is probably in about 30 minutes or so

    the guy says to the girl "Thanks for that" and the girl says "That's alright

    mate". Obviosly they will never see each other again but if they did happen

    to see eachother in the streets then they would probably just have a quick

    average conversation then wonder off again.

    Do you guys think the same?



    I'll go away now.

  2. Just a quick one, but what were your best and worst moments from your first and most recent Glastonbury. I'll get the ball rolling.

    First 1998

    Best Moment: Dancing to Blur playing "There's No Other Way" and realising that life would never be the same again for many reasons.

    Worst Moment: Going back to the tent whilst the football was on on the Friday night and finding that someone had used a load of our pegs for their tent and that ours was now under a few inches of water. Trying to empty it using polystyrene cups was a Herculean labour.

    Last 2008

    Best Moment: It all getting a bit too much for me and the tears flowing watching Kate Nash. I couldn't believe I was back there.

    Worst Moment: Neil Diamond on the Sunday. Too much debauchery over the previous four days had left me on an alcohol-related comedown on the Sunday afternoon. I just wanted to start crying and go home when he was singing his downbeat, melancholy numbers. In the end, I went to watch Mark Ronson, had a few beers and a dance and I was okay-ish.

  3. Bruce Springsteen whilst not an artist of my pre-Glastonbury preference is someone who I'd definitely take in to see what he offers - similarly to Jay Z last year. However, Neil Young really doesn't appeal to me. I think that it's one for the musos. I do not think that it is going to get anybody who isn't really into him excited. I am so incredibly non-plussed about it. And I know the obvious response to comments such as that is "well there is so much to do at Glastonbury...". But unless you're actually into the more niche happenings in Pilton then it's not exactly offering tremendous value for money, you do want the spectacular. I cannot see, apart from younger lads and lasses brought up on his music, the younger folk at Glastonbury being that bothered about him.

    If say Klaxons* headlined, there'd be the reverse reaction across the demographic.

    And even Bob Dylan didn't get a darkness slot at Glastonbury.

    *Insert name of modern band who you don't think is up to headlinging of your choice - it's not a debate on Klaxons

  4. Ohh there's no cake involved, it's all cocktail. It just tastes remarkably like the cake. If you spot me next year, be sure to ask for some. I generally carry a bottle around with me to share with folk I meet :O
  5. I was sat down at the top of the Pyramid Stage and I heard some lad in his early twenties come out with one of the most romantic lines ever...

    "With you in those shorts all weekend, when we get home I'm doing you up the arse"

    They were very, very short shorts.

  6. Count me in if it's not full by the time I get there. Bus is leaving Liverpool at 10.30am on the Wedensday so should get there late afternoon hopefully.

    Last year I camped at Lower Mead below the Cinema field - was a good location as it was close to John Peel, Dance Village and Pyramid, but I only noticed the electricity pylons after I'd setup my tent! When it rained they buzzed like anything.

  7. I remember a few years ago Mike Parry on Talksport being at Glastonbury at saying how much he was impressed by the bands on the Pyramid Stage "especially Purple Zone - they're even above the Pyramid Stage in the line up they're that good"

  8. I'm now highly tempted to get myself one of these flag things. If the telescopic poles are only a metre long, I'll just hook it up to my rucksack. I'm just paranoid about National Express telling me I have too much baggage.

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