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Posts posted by tabasco

  1. Reckon if you made a decent enough donation to Oxfam or Wateraid you could get yourself hospitality as well.


    Still cant really see Kate Moss or Bradley Cooper camping down bottom of Pennards though :rofl:

  2. 1 minute ago, cb4747 said:

    yay! I always feel a bit shy of admitting my comping addiction and when people say 'wow you're so lucky' I think to myself, well yes that's because I enter hundreds a day! haha 


    Nowt wrong with that, gotta be in it to win it.

  3. 4 minutes ago, bowen747 said:

    i hate the hospitality side of glasto. If you want to go then go but at least put your own tent up and FFS 9 grand! you could travel around the world for that 


    Tbf if I was spending nine grand on glasto tickets, I'd expect someone else to set the tent up for me.

  4. Just now, funkyuk said:

    good morning lovely people. We all still hopeful?  I'm pretty dented fucking gutted  after yesterday, but am still hopeful :)


    Still hopeful until the final sell out tweet confirmation from SeeTickets.

  5. 1 minute ago, Untz said:

    Mornin'. I am now of the opinion that there will be no more sales and See are just fannying about not admitting it. I am also convinced I'm going to win a competition, so I'm clearly delusional.

    Will be keeping an eye on a possible sale though, not least because I topped up my checkpage credits not long before the resale yesterday so I might as well get my money's worth.


  6. Just now, LittleA said:

    So.. I know there's little hope but do we all now believe that all GA tickets have been sold?


    Honestly, I don't think anyone knows for sure. SeeTickets have made reference to the fact that there may be more sales as they've mentioned to people on Twitter yesterday to keep an eye on the site.


    But that could just be for coach tickets, as they spent so long testing the pages for those over the last (or so it seemed)


    Best bet is to get the CheckPage setup, and keep watching the SeeTickets pages like a hawk :D

  7. 1 minute ago, keb77 said:

    I love this forum, how everyone is so nice, like the lucky lovely people that got tickets, not rubbing it in your face  :) then there are us lot who all know how each other are feeling.


    Glastonbury is basically a big gathering of hippies. So helping out your fellow man is kinda in the spirit of it, IMO B)

  8. Just now, cb4747 said:

    Oh of course there's no doubt I am truly addicted to watching those pages haha! That's exactly what I thought it seems like a lot of effort to go through. I know sorting out coach must be harder work than just the GA as there's locations and times etc. 


    If it comes down to it, you got a preference for coach location?

  9. Morning all B)


    Still keeping an eye on the links, just in case. Reckon coach resale is still going to happen, otherwise why else would they spend all that time testing the links?



  10. 1 minute ago, cityboy75 said:

    Fair dos for apologizing I already had a ticket but I know a lot were not happy about it being posted on glasto chat which you can understand 

    Fully understand. Took it down as soon I knew and didn't so much as mention it after that.

  11. 1 minute ago, cityboy75 said:

    So was it that Matt kiddy that did that because if so he's a complete tool what's his username on here


    That's me, I'm afraid.


    Again, my apologies. I spoke with Anthony (mocoworm) and deleted all the links once I realised it was causing issue. Honestly wasn't my intention.


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  12. 1 minute ago, Slugworth said:

    is it now. what a guy.

    Yes, that's me.


    I messaged mocoworm via FB after regarding the efest links getting posted in GlastoChat, and deleted them once I realised it had caused some ill vibes over here.


    Nothing meant by it  :)


    (and I didn't start the New Order petition, I just suggested it in passing and someone else started it ;) )

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  13. Just now, Donkeyradish said:

    Do we think it's over then? I don't know if I can go on....


    Not over til the fat lady sings.



    Which should be Saturday night on the Pyramid Stage, I think.

    • Upvote 6
  14. Just now, smudger said:

    It was the 900001 link. So you think that was ok and I was just unlucky? hate to think i'd blown it through trying to be too smart!

    I honestly don't know, could well be that SeeTickets back end tinkering at the last minute or that it had already sold out by the time you submitted.





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  15. 1 minute ago, smudger said:

    so did the http://glastonbury.seetickets.com/event/addregistrations

    page with registrations pre-loaded work for anybody? I had all my details in and hit the proceed button the second it went live, just to get an event not found message. Then clicked on the link on the contents page and had to re enter my details and in that time they were gone. Do you think those links we found as the site kept going on and off were duds and preloading details actually just wasted time?


    You could only use the addregistrations link if you'd gone to it via an event link. So if you went to it from the 900001 link it would be associated with that event, but if you'd just loaded it fresh and entered your details it wouldn't have an event to associate them with (if that makes sense :blink: )

  16. 1 minute ago, vans said:

    From my page monitor emails...


    We have a very limited number of festival tickets available.

    Glastonbury Festival Tickets


    Festival tickets have now sold out



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