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Posts posted by cazzatron

  1. 23 minutes ago, Frankie. said:

    Wide Awake Cafe. Their veggie hotdogs, duck, chorizo and fish cakes are all 100% vegan but they also do vegetable based options. The last couple of years they were at the top overlooking the pyramid stage. I'm not vegan myself but I work for the company who supply those products to them :).


    Ohhhh definitely going to try and find these guys. Thanks for the tip!

  2. I will be clock watching in anticipation of escaping the office then go home and rush pack the car, ready to leave at 4am Wednesday :D

  3. I get an interesting perspective as I work for a Singaporean company. After asking me, they are quite shocked that I would want to remain, to the level of "why on earth would you want to do that!!!!"...

    Singapore is extremely proud of its independence mind you, but they are still part of the ASEAN group of countries - which also gets major investment from the EU.

    Anyway, slightly off topic.

    I voted in :)

  4. 5 minutes ago, eFestivals said:

    nothing more than he said here really.

    Ultimately, what anyone thinks towards how the situation might be is led by what they put a greater belief in. He's got his good reasons for what he thinks, and I have them for mine.

    His info could be spot on for all I know, but for whatever reasons I've not be convinced by anything put to me so far saying they're not playing, because there doesn't appear to be an alternative story.

    I'll take that!

  5. 6 minutes ago, p.pete said:

    I think once there's concrete information it does get locked down - at the moment it's being approached with a sense of humor.  Best guess if Beyonce's about I think is that she could join Coldplay during their set.

    Exactly this...

  6. 2 minutes ago, Heather90 said:

    If this was from the radiohead thread then it was me and I have no actual information. I could just imagine a sea of gutted efesters (is that a thing?) weeping silently as they walked away from the Pyramid to the sound of your beautiful. 

    In reality I'd be happy if it was Radiohead. I don't think I'd appreciate anyone else as much as the die hard fans on here would appreciate radiohead. 

    Hehe, yeah I gathered it wasn't based on anything but that image you've given there really tickled me. Afraid no more upvotes but kudos.

  7. 4 hours ago, 4AssedMonkey said:

    You forgot the sandstorms, plagues of locust, forest fires, biblical tidal floods and the curse of spontaneously combusting tents.

    This description is fairly close to my experience at Southside 2011 in Germany. Hope the weather is good for Glasto :)

  8. Just now, big__phil said:

    Now we've had Unfairground, I'm more inclined to think we'll get one or maybe two more over the weekend. There are now so few non-main stage places left that haven't released a line up, it doesn't make sense to leave the last few out. Plus I'd imagine they'd want their time in the spotlight.

    I hope so, that would be nice over the long weekend :)

  9. Just now, incident said:

    I'm not sure that's the criteria - I paid on the 1st and have no sign of activity on the tracker yet.

    ...I paid on the 1st too and got mine yesterday. It looked like they did the campervans first and then afterwards it seems to be luck of the draw...

  10. 11 minutes ago, Heather90 said:

    Until all you radiohead fans that have made your way to the front see James Blunt walk onto stage, fresh from his triumph at the Queen's birthday bash 

    I would laugh if that happened (and cry a little inside) - he is quite the joker on twitter, maybe he is moving on to trolling special guest slots. 

  11. 8 minutes ago, Keithy said:

    I don't mind it, adds a little bit of intrigue. It is the only way that a big act will be able to safely do a 'secret set' at Glastonbury these days and outside of this forum, quite a hefty percentage of people will have no idea that 'special guests' are (likely to be) Radiohead. Plus it means the old Glastonbury rumour mill will be in overdrive during the festival with everyone making up their own "I've heard it's xxxx".

    There's no real benefit to holding it back but in an age when everyone has to know everything, it's a bit fun to just leave it as special guests

    Yep, especially as tickets have already sold out and RH already have a huge following - they don't need it to be announced beforehand...

    I tell you, if it is left as special guests until the programme is given out I will be rifling through the thing like crazy before anything else happens. Probably even before the first sip of beer...

  12. 11 minutes ago, croiz said:

    I know you might not be allowed to post a photo cos of fraud etc...... but..... what do they look like??!?!? Can you post a pic with blurred bits on the important parts? Too excited.... mine haven;t dispatched yet

    I snuck out of work to get mine - here is a sneak preview ;)



  13. 5 minutes ago, dannygrif said:

    All mentions of clashfinder are forbidden until the full lineup with set times is out. You hear me? FORBIDDEN


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