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Posts posted by ya_concha

  1. On 6/7/2013 at 7:38 PM, Rodbull said:

    Going on 44 now and look fondly back on my days of the quad and the drome in merseyside. Was thinking how many oldskool ravers are still up for it? Now a days in a campervan (:)) and with a wife and daughter but still having the time of my life!

    Live today likes it,s your last

    Quady park,  051, Nation before it was Cream, G Bar,  earlier late 80's clubs I went to were Vague, Venus and Kit Kat Club, leeds and Nottingham, then moving down south mainly Club UK Wandsworth, Leisure Lounge, Camden Palais and a sh1t load more clubs and raves, semi race retired in 2000, apart from a new more trips to Ibiza my rave days are now saved for Shangri-La and Block 9 at Glasto.  55 now, you cant stop the beat...….. 

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  2. I met a bloke in the "F@ck off Café" top of The Big Ground 1989 (?) wearing nothing but a pair of Y fronts and an oversized Brown fur Top Hat. 

    He had walked out of his job in central London, hitched all the way with nothing but the suit on his back and no money, jumped the fence, went to the first Glasto rave proper at the sugarlump tent, popped his first bean for free, copped off with a girl for a bunk up,  left her tent to go for a slash and couldn't find his way back spangled so lost everything.

    Someone gave him the hat, I gave him a packet of Bourbon Biscuits and bought him a hot coffee.   

    Now THATS the way to do it...……………. 

  3. Harsh - not exactly an Axe murderer!  What percentage would actually do this? So few so as not to make a difference and how is it like queue jumping??

    Most Marshalls are not actually trained in traffic management and Ill grant you only trying to follow the script they are given but I've seen and experienced some stupid decisions over the last 35 years.  I'm not as strong as I used to be and my asthma does not give me exemptions where to park but I will be arriving very early and attempting to get myself closest to where I want to pitch for my health - especially if the weather looks sh1t. 

    I try to follow the rules of the farm as best as I can but have also witnessed and endured some very dodgy queue management from a health and safety perspective, cant expect all staff to have adequate crisis management skills can you so I never blame them.  99% of the time you have to play with the cards you are given but sometimes experienced decisions can made.

    • Upvote 2
  4. for me paul simon headlining the Pyramid a few years back, was hot as hell and didn't play ONE Simon and Garfunkel Track -  could of had the crowd in is hands.  Played a lot of later stuff that was just meh to me and mine.  Don't give flying F if you liked it, if your a big player you gotta play some of your biggest tunes eh.

  5. On 10/20/2019 at 11:18 AM, BlueDaze said:

    i am pretty rubbish at carrying my own beer around (staying in the CV fields means a trip back to the accomodation isnt a practical choice) and so have always tended to use the bars during the day/early evening.. The queues are often dependent on who has just finished on the nearest stage, if its too busy just walk on to the next..

    After dark seems to be the greater challenge, especially as you want to position yourself in a decent spot for your chosen headliner.. Regretably i have most often turned to the, easy to carry, flavoured vodka at this point and end up an embarassment to my daughters (grown up.. before i get accused of shoddy parenting) and wife.

    I keep thinking that i should put say 4 beers in a lock-up in the morning and collect before darkness falls as a solution, but in 10 years i havent been organised enough... and i probably would end up with a dozen beers sitting in various sites because of tactical naiveity when it comes to working out 'where you will end up vs where you previously came from..'.

    Use the bars. Cold beer is your friend.

    The need to pee is a whole different (albeit interrelated) topic.

    all true

  6. Always found #3 to Work for me, #2 can turn into a party in a car park but you wont be as fresh to get straight on it once your tent is up. 

    BTW, when your tent is up and you might imagine you would be tired, you wont be - one look at the place and your adrenalin will kick in mahoosively and you will be off like a jack rabbit.  I would say take it easy as there are days left to go but you wont.  Enjoy. 

  7. On 10/9/2019 at 8:38 PM, Jitterbug_87 said:

    Im looking for a decent trolley this time too....cant face the walk from the car park to pennards with all my crap again so if anyone can reccommend any for me to have a look at  aswell would be much appreciated ta

    https://www.amazon.co.uk/Juggernaut-Folding-Fishing-Transportation-Trolley/dp/B00MJ14R0M    after years messing round with imposters not capable of handing all weathers, a fisherman mate recommended this. Yes it was expensive but OMG it is the don of all luggage haulers, seriously worth the investment believe me.  Safely in the local lockup tent for the duration of the festival, folks were crying at my ease of carrying kit, sh'1t ended up taking extra trips to the motor just for fun.  


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  8. been over the wall many a time, under the wall a few - walked in behind a Viking size punk rocker, yup - all before 1998 tho. Too risky I reckon from what we now see in action.

    Made me laff about running in tho, I couldn't muster the speed of Peter Kaye doing the "Show me the Way to Amarillo" video.   

  9. tried them all, 4 wheels are great when weather is ok but prone to burst on jagged surfaces - then you are stuffed, also note the weight restrictions on these things which eveyone ignores. x3 Wheeled Fishing trolleys I found the most versatile for all weather. Also useful to ferry wrecked idiot friends if required 

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  10. Posh and having no need to such things as trolleys - Saw this couple in 2014 arrive by Landrover dropped off next to us at the edge of Big Ground Field, Saskia and Sebastian in think the names, about 20?  A right couple off toffs who had evidently no idea how to erect tents as for a start they were so close to me I thought they were bullding me an extension, anyways  its all set up c/w chairs, tables. awnings, gazebos, primus, cups, kettles (all one label)......spent the next several days bitching about weather / crowds / bands / common neighbours (that would be me).  :On the last day they were flabbergasted for their transport not to arrive, so they literally removed wellies, all their bad weather clothing and, EVERYTHING else including half eaten food on plates, chairs the lot and started walking off

    In my disgust i happened to mention hadn't they read the "Leave no Trace" signage to which they mustered a raised eyebrow between them at the oik having the nerve to confront them. As they strolled off merrily without baggage I sang them some tittle ditties to send them on their way, all with the word cnut in them.   

    Been going since 85 and the things left now astound me.




  11. Didn't see that but I saw hundred or more dressed in pink with pink wristbands drinking multi-coloured shots around the Pyramid Field Tree Thursday afternoon, certainly less spiritual but definitely more Spiritull.........................:sorry:

  12. Wednesday is for arriving, getting your shit together and if your new, getting your bearings - if not new its for getting blasted into the sky. I usually sleep most of Thursday, get kite'd once again in the evening then relax sitting in my deckchair next morning watching Friday arrivals trying to a pitch bell tents into a 1 sq metre of grass.  

    This will be I think my 18th Glastonbury in 30 years,  I never bore of waking face up in a far flung field covered in morning dew at 5am and doing the walk of shame back to wherever the hell I pitched my tent, usually Saturday morning.



  13. I think 1994, my nightmare was not wanting to leave my tent due to the constant rain so I spent several hours instead hallucinating watching the tent stitching move round like marching Ants,  to be informed by a concerned mate that it wasn't in fact rain - it was static that I was hearing as I was camped in Pylon field.........     

  14. Good point, had one camper friend stuck there from the Monday a mile away and another who took 7 hours to arrive from Bristol. Certainly there wasn't much follow news on the subject from what I've seen. Personally I could never use a camper van, prefer the noise and being in a tent amongst it all. We absolutely flew in from Reading leaving at 3am Wednesday but then then had to drag my miserable possessions miles across bogs of mud to be confronted by the zig zag crowd calming barriers at Gate A, those feckers nearly did for me being fat, 52 and asthmatic. We soldier on for our fun though don't we. Don't really give a flying shit when the tents up you can see the whole site and imagine the carnage ahead of you. Nearly got me crying just thinking about it again, roll on October and good luck to all on the ticket front .   


  15. depends of course on weather for kiddie vehicle, best thing I saw looked like a wheelbarrow but with 3 big pneumatic tyres, made easy work of mud and looked like it could get through anything. I asked the owner and he said it was desgined for fishing use if that helps. The 4 wheel gardening trolley I had could be alright with a rigged up car seat attached?   

  16. absolutely they should go if they want to. Anyone that age if healthy in mind and body will tell you that inside they feel years younger and what could give them more a breath of fresh air than several days at Glastonbury? You KNOW they will get nothing but respect and nice gesures from those around them, they'd love it.  Tent wise, I would think seriously about maybe a Coleman Octagon tent that you can stand up in in the entire interior. I am only 51 but not fit and I find mine essential kit. Obviously weather will be a massive factor but being 75 they will have plenty of experience of bad weather in blighty.  ~I am going to keep going till I drop, its been part of my life since 1985 and cannot do without it... Peace x  

  17. to be honest I was drinking only cider from the cider bus which was competitively priced. In Reading the nearest town to me you can in fact pay £5 for a pint in some of the bars (which I wouldn't choose to be in but have been dragged into by friends looking for chicks lol)

  18. Putting a price on Glastonbury is like putting a price on one of your children. It still maintains great value what with the sheer amount of Bands AND performers. Food prices are kept down and have you been anywhere that has such a choice? Booze is pub prices, cocktails also although every one I had was double pub strength. You can bring your own booze and food in and your not herded back to your tent at night like IoW and other rubbish festivals. I have been every year that I've been able since 1985, it has changed due to increased size and is perhaps a little "sterile" due to the higher prices killing off some of societies chance of going, this and the fence of death have made it less edgy to its detriment in my opinion but make no mistake - Glastonbury is the DON! I will be in a box before I stop going and even then I would want at least some of my ashes drifted across the fields of Avalon at dawn. Hopefully none will end up in a long drop. Been to Benicassim and that can Kiss my arse, try painting a flower on a coppers cheek over there. ITS about the spirit of Glastonbury that makes it special.....................and don't even mention V, id rather choke on a baby's arm. 

  19. all my toes are bruised and my ankles especially so, black in fact, still now. Taking off my increasingly too tight Wellies every night / crack of dawn my feet were swelling up by the day. Using one foot to hold the heel down on the other boot whilst attempting to pull my foot out resulted in my still booted foot slipping out in the mud and kicking myself sharply on the shin - resulting in very real pain. One night as witnessed by my wife, I managed to twat myself 10 times in the same shin, when I woke up I couldn't put any weight on one leg and had to spend the first 4 hours of the day with an oversized empty packet on Walkers Crisps cellotaped around my ankle as a makeshift shoe.  I am 51 and seemingly since going since 1985 I like Jon Snow, no nothing.   

  20. Every year I hear people spouting complaints about one thing or another from the viewpoint of having some moral ownership by not being a Newbie. I have been going since 1985 and I ALWAYS make an arse of myself at least one day / night or both. I am 51 and frequently missing for long periods of time and arriving back at the tent to p1ssed to stand and with no possessions to my long suffering girlfriend now wife's annoyance. I wear outlandish clothes that some appreciate and some believe makes me look a d1ckhead. I don't really care, it is still (just about) the one place on earth where I can really let go and be me, if I want to spend 18hours in Shanrgri-la shouting at the Sun or Moon then so I will. Long live Chaos, its the edginess that made Glastonbury what it was, something increasingly lost on self centred posh kids who think they are owed something and have the right to be rude, obnoxious and then walk away leaving all their debris and camping gear where it stands. All that is needed from each of us is to be nice to everyone around you as you can possibly be, if you see someone fall over or in some kind of difficulty, you help. Its not hard....... Glastonbury isn't for everyone and some take some time to find their feet, there will always be idiots and there will always be those that in one look will crack you up laughing. I only know that the one time I don't go means that I will be in box and even then, half my ashes will be left scattered there, preferably not by any long drops.  Peace x      

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