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Posts posted by Gemsie85

  1. OH MY GOODNESS WELL DONE @Lucy92 just catching up now as I couldn't get anywhere near a radio all day! 

    Been to a little free festival near Liverpool today and it made me so so sad that we've not got Glasto tickets. This festival going malarkey really is a roller coaster ride isn't it!

  2. 6 minutes ago, cb4747 said:

    I have to be sensible! Nobody wants to look after my crazy 8 month old border collie, I don't blame them haha. 

    I would ;) I love border collies, if I didn't work such silly hours I'd have a house full (probably replacing the kids and hubby with them too)

  3. 4 minutes ago, cb4747 said:

    Yep I'm admitting defeat too. I've got so much to do and radio 1 hurts my head. @Lucy92 has gotta win!!

    I've got to take my youngest to a party in an hour so I'm out too, I'll still be popping on here to keep up to date with how you're all doing, I just can't listen and play along

    it definitely should be @Lucy92 next, for her determination though :) 

  4. 26 minutes ago, Lucy92 said:

    We'd all be there if it was dedication haha!!!

    Damn right!!

    made me giggle when they were talking to the second guy who won and talking about how dedicated he'd been trying to get tickets since the resale. 

    There are some FAR MORE dedicated people on this thread and you ALL deserve to go 


  5. 43 minutes ago, unclegorilla said:

    Has anyone here applied for the Green Goblet volunteering? It seems a bit fishy... Seems strange they've left it this late to recruit and they're only asking for a deposit of £200, less than the price of a ticket.. And they're allegedly based in Somerset but they're bank account is registered in Halifax. And there were a few errors on their application form. Plus their name is proper shite. 

    I emailed them too, the woman seemed pretty legit and it was very in depth so unlikely to be a scam. I think the original email said they'd had people drop out and that's why they were doing it such short notice. I couldn't do it as we wanted to take the kids too and committing that amount of time wasn't practical for us.

  6. 4 hours ago, cb4747 said:

    Radio 1 should be running their 5 clip guess the artist competition this weekend. You just have to pray if you know the answers that you're caller number 1! 

    Im rubbish at those :rolleyes:

  7. 1 hour ago, keb77 said:

    When I did litter picking I had to pay £220 and got it back in return for completing all my shifts, it is because a lot of people drop out.  The green go let people seem legit, we have been emailing this evening, unfortunately I can't do it as I have to be there from next Tuesday, as I work in a school I can't take holiday in term time...could have got away with going on Thursday though :( 

    it's suddenly dawn on me that I'm not going.

    Ditto! With two kids 4 six hour shifts each just isn't doo-able (that's even if they'd let us take them in at all) so I'm clutching at straws with these last few competitions but it all seems rather statistically unlikely now 

  8. 1 minute ago, Katir said:

    Last minute drop out on the Access team! Shifts on the pyramid disabled platforms with the best views friday and sat night. My husband can also be there with my daughter. Thursday and Sunday off. Can't stop crying!!!! Get ready for 6 music after the news!!!! Good luck!!! Can't bloody believe it xxxx

    Well done you :D 

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