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Posts posted by alibobbin

  1. I love listening to 'Beans on Toast' when it's sunny and I'm feeling festivally, even if he did do a track on the fact Glastonbury wouldn't let him play (but they are letting him play this year)

  2. New to me from the playlist that I'm really enjoying are John Fairhirst and also The Cadbury Sisters. Very different from each other but I'll try to catch both this year.

    I'll give them a shot! I'm trying to push myself out of my comfort zone, so I'll give any recommendation a go

  3. i blame the lack of line up for turning me into a childish, pseudo-mysoginist


    'been on that like a dog on hot chips!'


    Common geordie saying I'm afraid and that's one of the better ones!

  4. I'd always recommend The Maccabees to anybody. I know most people will probably have heard them in some passing form but I really would advise giving their third album 'Given To The Wild' a proper listen. Such a great album.

    Being such a huge fan of theirs I always find it hard to gauge how popular they are and how widespread their listeners really are.

    Don't know if they're 'lesser known' as such but The Maccabees are great :)

    Yeah, I sort of forgot about the Maccabees for a long while (couldn't tell you why) but then got drunk at a mates a few months back and they popped up on shuffle and the love was rekindled!

  5. Have you tried Brave Sir Robin's Spotify list?

    It basically has 3-5 songs off every rumoured band in there, and is generally fantastic

    Edit - Link - https://play.spotify.com/user/richardmunden/playlist/5cwDjQVpVo6T9y1z1OHe8f?play=true&utm_source=open.spotify.com&utm_medium=open

    Not supported on my work PC, but will have a deeks when I get home. I've been stuck in a rut listening to the same stuff recently.

    Also, I will trust anything with a Monty Python reference. Everytime I see Brave Sir Robin, I sing it in my head.

    Thank you!

  6. I was about to say Kate Tempest so I will second that. I am Kloot are pretty good too. Swim Deep have SR next to them but I think there is a reasonably big chance that they will play and I really like them so I would defo recommend giving them a listen. Also, fairly certain Chromeo will play as they had to pull out last minute last year and said they were gutted and hoped to play this year instead... give them a listen if you don't know them because they are funkyyyyy!

    I do love a bit of Chromeo, so I've already been on that like a dog on hot chips!

    Speaking of hot chips, I can't wait to see Hot Chip again. Stalked them for years now.

    Will definitely pop the others in my playlist too

  7. personally i'm listing to a lot of Courtney Barnett and Kate Tempest, might not be your cup to tea but i'd be happy with more people in the world listening to either of them :)

    I'm open to anything really. Already got Courtney on my Spotify list, and from what I've heard so far she's spot on. Will give Kate a listen on the way home in the car. Thank you!

  8. MI0001720902.jpg

    Hahaha, although technically not a TBC!

    Any of the lesser known ones? (I know that is such a hard statement to determine, because known to one is unknown to another, but I'm sure you catch my drift)

  9. I know, I know, I'll be crushed when that happens, but you've got to dream!

    Me too. Nothing like seeing a grown man with the face of a child on Christmas day when you walk them round a corner at Glastonbury. Just when my friends thought they'd seen it all last year, I lead them into Block 9. That was a picture worth the entry fee in itself.

    Ah completely. My mate has done so many festivals, but mainly small dance fests, and she beams when she's at those, so I think it's going to be on another level seeing her reaction.

    Plus, 4 of us managed to get a Tipi, so it'll be extra special. Although she is already sick to death of me going on about it, I have zero craic other than 'when I was at glastonbury......'

  10. Argh, stop getting me so excited about him headlining - I don't think I'll be able to handle the let down when it's bloody Flo!

    (and I was more thinking of a purple-tinged sunset, but Ribena rain sounds excellent!)

    It definitely won't be Flo unless Emily was lying. I know everyone keeps talking about 'she could' but if you read the whole interview, that in context just meant she was big enough. She won't be headlining this year, but she could be (another year)

    Again, this is assuming she wasn't fibbing! Also a massive amount of wishful thinking as it would be a huge let down.

    Fingers crossed we'll get our wish!

  11. The only time I'd accept rain would be for that song. All the lights from the stage would be purple and it would look amazing! I'm sure if they could pull it off inside the O2, they could do it for Glastonbury!

    That would be unreal! I'd be happy getting drenched under those circumstances.

    I still have hopes pinned on the Purple fella for Sunday. I'm taking my mate as a newbie and she's in love with Prince, so I'd just love to see her face both when they announce it, and in the crowd.

    I LOVE taking new people and seeing their little faces beaming like mine did back in 2008, when you know you've found something/somewhere special. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy

  12. 2007 was my first too and it was the sole reason I didn't go in 2008. Which is a shame as lots of people I know who went have said it's their favourite one. There's nothing that can prepare you for five days of non-stop rain, still had an awesome time though - The Who were awesome.

    We won't get mud like that again though because of the improved drainage will we... WILL WE?!!

    If Prince headlines he'll hopefully get his people to make sure the weather's to his liking anyway...

    So it'll be chucking it down, but it'll be Purple?!?!?!?!

    Oooooooo maybe they'll use Ribena!! :girldance:

  13. I've never even posted a lineup is out thread

    Seems very George Orwell animal farm to me, associating everything bad and everything dystopian with Matt42 regardless if I've ever actually done any of those things.

    People spamming with new topics? That's annoying.. Must be done by Matt42!!

    You do seem to be a general 'whipping boy' on this thread!

  14. hey, don't take their name in vain ... live from Glastonbury Festival, just for you... :P

    Hahaha! I take it all back! :girlhaha:

    *I was referring to the bracelets with the little bits of paper inside!

  15. Even if they did I don't think MCR are very much a Glastonbury band. They were a bit of a guilty pleasure at Reading a few years back though.

    If that was 2011, I saw them at Leeds and they were pretty lifeless, and that was probably a better suited crowd to receive them than Glasto.

  16. the info I can place the most trust in for Chems is telling me that they'll be Sunday.

    I'm not saying that's right, btw, just that in theory it's more likely to be right than other things I've heard.

    Jamie T maybe for Saturday?

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