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Posts posted by Flasher

  1. I've a feeling my father will be voting UKIP in May.

    I don't begrudge him that, we disagree on a lot of things.

    But what irks me is that he thinks a vote for UKIP is a vote for change.

    Because obviously, nothing says 'change' quite like voting for a load of rich, old, white neo-thatcherites.

  2. Their records aren't up to much but they were brilliant live. Its good to see a band put so much energy into a set and they really seemed to be enjoying themselves. Would deffo see them again at Leeds :)

  3. The NME tent had an excellent atmosphere even when only half full (LCD soundsystem)

    The new layout for the Main stage cuts out any of the old bottlenecking that you used to get so das is gud also ja.

    The sound was a lot better this year than in previous years.

    The only thing that let me down was the wasteful, destructive attitude of some other festival goers. Having been to other festivals that don't have fires and food thrown everywhere its easy to see that the festival just attracts these kinds of morons. In that respect, there isn't a mnassive amount the organisers can do about that.

    Thumbs up to the organisers this year, Leeds just keeps getting better organised and better worked.

  4. As Smally said, the security were on the ball and I didn't see a fire that lasted any longer than 5-10 minutes.

    I managed to put one out near us when I saw a girl and her boyfriend light a small sleeping bag and then went off to fetch some tents to put on it. I asked her if the tent was hers and why she was putting it on the fire and she answered "er, yeah I think so" and "because i want a fire"

    The fact that tents burn for about 20 seconds and you can buy bags of wood that last hours just shows how stupid some festival goers are.

    Having said that we still managed to have fun in red campsite just on the hill not far from the Traders Alley and we didn't feel too threatened.

    I just struggle to grasp some people's mentality.

  5. I also completely disagree about security. They seemed quite content to turn a blind eye to all kinds of indiscretions. Leeds is the only festival i've ever attended with no uniformed police presence and i think it's a major factor in the amount of loutish misbehaviour. The only police who attend the festival are plain-clothes drugs spotters. Festival Republic need to bite the bullet next year and actually stump up for proper and effective policing
  6. I've never understood the perennial Reading vs Leeds argument. I understand that people don't want to think they've made the wrong decision, hence why there is always an argument over which company makes the best video games consoles. What I can't understand is that we're all here, all 150,000 or so of us, because we're attending what is essentially the same festival. All that differs is the layout and the days in which the bands play. I'd like to see more inter-festival love! I have nothing but good feelings for my Reading-bound bretheren :lol:

  7. Monkeys were shite, we left half way through. I understand that its 'cool' to act like you don't care but when you're headlining a festival and the crowd has waited all day in a field for you it takes more than just playing songs and acting cool to make them enjoy it. Compare them to the Kaiser Chiefs (who IMO were easily the best band of the weekend) and its easy to see why so many people were boinging around and loving KC whereas people were leaving halfway through AM.

  8. Better than previous years IMO. Only gripe was the sheer size of the crowd for Kings of Leon. I don't know whether its because they've suddenly become popular or whether there were far too many sunday tickets sold but it was unbelievably packed right up to the back of the main stage. My girlfriend has problems with her joints and her leg gave way. She had a panic attack because of this and getting her out of the crowd was a nightmare!

    Other than that I was pretty impressed with this years Leeds. At the back the sound quality was the best I've ever heard at this festival and I've been going since 2004

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