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Jon Horsley

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Status Updates posted by Jon Horsley

  1. @paulwhitelaw Maybe. Suspicious it's deeper than that. Not gonna argue about it, mind. Or even really think about her more than necessary.

  2. @freyfogle Ha ha. Love that you love the viking room. One day you'll have your own equivalent. Maybe a geocache room.

  3. @chrispople @MarinaOLoughlin Hoping for all the greatest hits: "London bias". "I can get every dish mentioned at my local cafe for 2p"

  4. RT @matthewjh: I think normal form is for Murray to sign for Liverpool now, isn't it?

  5. Unfollowing finger beginnning to ache thanks to "he's Scottish again" tweets.

  6. I wonder if Nigel Farage is in a pub having a pint with normal people now the election is over? Probably, right? 'cause he's so normal?

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