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Status Updates posted by kevbizarre

  1. @CiaraMPSI https://t.co/bUvrpwKeRK

  2. @DeanEldredge @kieraneason gutted I didn't sort tickets for this... https://t.co/anh4Afe63n

  3. @CiaraMPSI it's a strange place at times but I'm certainly learning a fair bit :)

  4. @CiaraMPSI what? Missed this - happy birthday! I'll get you 2 next year to make up for my tardiness this year

  5. One of the best things about my new job is being able to exercise after work and still make it home before 7 #balance

  6. @AbiWilks half of me thinks than can't be a real front page but the other is hoping it is and the rest is all just a horrible nightmare

  7. RT @rosshferguson: The RPS president is gone…long live the president! https://t.co/tLt0mk1N9n

  8. RT @BHCpharmacy: 6000 items supplied at ward level each month by Barts Pharm Techs co-ordinated & combined with all meds man duties https:/…

  9. Limited personal experience (?evidence) using these agents used in infancy but certainly food for thought... https://t.co/RVIT8m5uSE

  10. Hilarious! A women just sat on somebody's full McDonald's bag of food which was resting on an "empty" seat

  11. @HelenMcLive @BBCLeicester thanks

  12. RT @FFScout_Dunc: Everton fans fighting each other around me. Unbelievable

  13. Watched Leic on MOTD and then flicked back to the golf....what the hell happened?! 5 shot lead gone that quick!

  14. Ticket please? Anyone?! Please... https://t.co/24P8BEH1RW

  15. @KellyCates no worries - this is the summary doc that goes with it https://t.co/hnP38qQ9Bp

  16. RT @RoyLilley: Dame Eileen Sills resigns from role as National Guardian for NHS whistleblowers - TWO MONTHS into job I bet there is a stor…

  17. You can't even *apply* for a postal vote online

  18. Proud to be involved in this @PaedSCRIPT :) #safeprescriber Paediatric SCRIPT eLearning https://t.co/rBUs06u2Mb

  19. @jessbrammar you did. It's happened. Nothing is sacred.

  20. @silv24 @BBCNews thanks, appreciate you looking into it

  21. @CharlieCW @SKXPerformance what headphones are those you are using whilst running?

  22. @rehanrayjaffer yes exactly, completely agree. Just empty words w/o a plan...

  23. RT @custardlove: In case you missed it would really appreciate any job/freelance links you might know of: I was made homeless on Sunday & I…

  24. @NicuCat sounds incredible! Have an amazing time

  25. How am only just discovering the Ezra Furman album?! It's absolutely fantastic

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