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Posts posted by PRSBOY

  1. 3 minutes ago, foolee said:

    What time do people normally get to the coach departure stations prior to the coach departing? I know it says 15 mins prior on the ticket but just want to make sure if I'm there half an hour before that I'm not the last one on the coach. 

     We're taking 2 large rucksacks, tent, 2 chairs, 2 sleeping bags, airbed & 2 carry on bags which is for the 2 of us. 

    I'm aiming to get there 45 minutes before - however my travel to the coach park is around 40 minutes so going to take into account any unexpected road works (it's going to be 3.30am so shouldn't be too much traffic around london on a thursday).

  2. I'm hoping the app is just a bigger piece of shite than we thought and they've accidentally removed their other slot. If you go onto their profile you still see that they're playing two slots, but only one is listed.

  3. Anyone got any advice on how to stop the bottom of your willie falling off, this is the last thing I need this weekend.

    tuck it between your legs.

  4. I think Oxylers is one of those areas that suffered flooding because the farm wasn't coping with it adequately at the time. Now it is, so the only areas at risk are lower lying parts of the farm like the bottom of Pennards, because all the equipment in the world can't reverse gravity.

  5. Well in that case PRSBoy you are going to have (excuse the pun) an absolute field day!

    With somewhere in the region of 400k feet squeezing moisture out of the ground each day the site can go from quagmire to a hard clay like surface in no time at all, if the rain subsides for a few hours.

    Ive had some great times in the rain, one year we had a right downpour by the cider bus on a Thurs night, I sheltered under a bush and was quickly joined by an amorous middle aged couple from Bolton making all sorts of naughty suggestions lol.

    Enjoy it bud, if you have a pulse you will love the place, rain or shine ;)

  6. Anywhere fella only one area has ever flooded enough to ruin tents and that was a once in a thousand year freak event and it's not even public camping anymore

    Camp anywhere, but avoid directly downhill from water points/urinals and don't face your door uphill

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