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Posts posted by Doug85

  1. 3 minutes ago, dingbat2 said:

    It seems a bit drastic to close the whole of Row Mead, I know they have moved it back before but not by much. I didnt think you could even see the Pyramid stage when you got a bit further back in Row Mead due to how the field slops back there, might be wrong though? I would also have though it would be more dangerous as that corner has always been a pinch point at the opening where the fence is, as people headed from Pyramid to Woodsies from the top of the Pyramid, at least people were only coming from the path or the area below. I would have thought it be even more of a pinch point if they can also come from Row Mead as well? There will be lots of people heading through that space at the same time from different directions, might be a bit unpleasant especially as they are clearly expecting such a huge crowd for Elton

    The sound up at there would be pointless too but apparently it's just due to health and safety concerns from last year. 

  2. Just now, kalifire said:

    Are we sure the sign/fence won’t be taken down before gates open? Perhaps it’s to put those on site beforehand off from camping there? 🤷‍♂️ 

    I've just spoken to campsite crew. They are annoyed about it as all their regulars will need to move. They usually help people get a space it seems. They are going to open up on Friday morning as part of the pyramid arena. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, MrZigster said:

    f**k. That is last minute. Was just about to leave and was heading there. Been there for years I have. Sighs. Have to find another spot near those longdrops at the top then.

    Very late decision made last night at the crew campsite security briefing. They even have all the bins set up as normal for camping but it's health and safety first apparently 

  4. Nice to pop back in and see genuine rumours after a shit show of life for the last 2 years. Billie, Kendrick and Macca is a great trio. I can't wait for all the others to be confirmed for the other stages etc for a bumper packed card with people desperate to just play the festival after so long. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Homer said:

    He said something about some live performances and outdoor gathering from 1 Aug I thought (I was frantically typing as he was speaking though).

    He also mentioned live performances and stadiums to reopen as of October 

  6. I'm sure i read somewhere over the weekend that Sage are now working under the assumption that the first "wave" may actually have been in December before they realised what it was and then the second wave was actually the pandemic. I'm trying to find the article where it was mentioned but I wonder if this is in relation to results from antibody tests? 

  7. 1 minute ago, ModernMan said:

    What would happen if you failed the test in the queue at something like Glastonbury though? Not allowed in at all?

    You would be sent to Barnard Castle for a jolly instead. 

  8. 1 minute ago, crazyfool1 said:

    Total game changer for me ... to know if I’ve had it  ... and my family will ease so many worries ... especially if I have  ..if not I can make decisions based on that 

    Yep I think it could end up being a big game changer in the track and trace testing too. I think more people in the country will have had it than estimated too without even knowing about it. Fingers crossed they can roll this out soon and in bulk. Will certainly help get back to some normality before they can get some form of drug treatment or vaccine

  9. Great news about the antibody test being approved. Better news that it is 100% accurate. They need to get more than 100k ordered though, theres 60 odd million to test in this country alone. At least there could actually be some light at the end of the tunnel of shit. 

  10. 7 minutes ago, Deaf Nobby Burton said:

    There are simply too many unknowns to say it’s not possible without a vaccine. Without an accurate antibody test and greater knowledge of when it was here and how many cases are actually asymptomatic then nobody can possibly say either way. 

    This is exactly why we need an accurate reliable Antibody test. We need to do a lot of testing to find out the history of Covid 19 in this country never mind the world. We are so far behind in terms of testing though (despite the numbers Boris and co claim). 

    If an antibody test can prove the history and how many have had it and more detail etc then it will be safe to open the country up more to those who have built up an immunity. I'm sure that in Korea they are given immunity passes? something similar would work here.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Deaf Nobby Burton said:

    Maybe I’m missing something but I’m not sure I get that? You can go out and exercise if you want to, you don’t have to. If you can’t work from home you can go back to work, presumably if you don’t want to and you’re employed you can be furloughed? If you’re self employed then presumably you want to be able to go back to work ASAP?

    Well none of what he said is clear but when I tried to decipher it it seems as though within the next few weeks more and more people will be going to work, then the primary schools and then the secondary schools which in turn means others will be back at work etc. How can they plan for these scenarios when they have no reliable antibody test yet? My point is they should be pushing for those and then make these plans. I'm sure there would be no issue in people going to work if they have already had it. 

  12. The only thing that is clear from Boris is that he still wants Herd Immunity. Seems as though we may reach that through utter negligence and needless death. We need the antibody test, they should be pushing for that rather than forcing people back out before that. 

  13. 19 minutes ago, Deaf Nobby Burton said:

    Everything is leading towards it having been around longer and being much more asymptomatic than we believed day by day. One way or another it’s not going to be preventing festivals a year from now. 

    Surely a successful antibody test will prove this too. The fact that someone from France has been traced to having it way back in December is proof that it was spreading in Europe well before they thought it was. Future Mother in law was ill with very similar symptoms at start of january, we had the same symptoms in middle of january and this was all well before we were aware of what the covid symptoms were and whether this was even in Europe. Now at the minute we can't say for certain we had Covid but if it were now we would be able to be tested. At least a proven antibody test would be able to give a higher indication and would be a game changer. 

    If it's proven that more people have either had it or are immune then surely it can only be a positive for later in the year and next year. Hopefully that means Glastonbury is able to go ahead and I hope to christ our wedding is too. 

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