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Posts posted by leggyemulous

  1. Meh, you're pessimists :) I wear my walking boots all weekend when it's muddy there - when it's not, it's trainers all the way. This will be my 14th Glastonbury and I'm yet to own a pair of wellies and I'm also yet to get wet feet! Worst case, I'll grab the boots from the car on the second beer run. Anyway, I'll report back next week on the outcome of the decision, I'm keeping the faith, it will be dry ;)

  2. Looks like it's just be retracted on an email....




    "Glastonbury remains the only major festival that allows people to bring their own alcohol in, and we'd like to clarify that you ARE still OK to bring your own alcohol through the gates, providing it’s just for your own use (whether it’s on a trolley or not). But please do drink responsibly."

  3. Took me 3 weeks to get over chicken pox when I was in my twenties. It is the most ill I have ever been. I seriously could not even imagine going to Glastonbury in that state. That's before even considering the already mentioned risk to others. Difficult decision, but he should really stay at home. Get well soon...

  4. I thought this was going to be about the usual Wiltshire Constabulary checkpoint as you drop down into Chicklade! Thanks for the heads up though, the 303 can be horrible at the best of times.

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