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Posts posted by carllucey

  1. I went in a company car so we laminated the sticker and used masking tape to stick it to the windscreen , it was only when typing this I realised I could of just taped the sticker to the windscreen but I went a bit laminator mad this yr.

  2. One of group did not get there till sat morning and had few beers in the day and at 7.30 announced he was going back to the tent to get changed and have 30 mins sleep , he woke up at 9.30am Sunday morning.

    My work mate was having his first Glasto and payed out for Worthy View camping , kept trying to call him but no luck , met up with him on Tuesday and asked where he was , he had left site to go home on Saturday about 2pm " because I was tired "

  3. My wife bumped into him in the crowd, she is only a small thing and he was 6ft , he placed both hands on her shoulders and pushed her hard , she was launched into the barrier in front of the speakers and fell to the floor getting her ray ban sunglasses from the top off her head to fall of and be stood on by an innocent raver , I confronted him and a female guard grabbed him and put him behind her , she refused to give ID or security numbers.

  4. language? I think you were quite restrained-I read your story before if someone treated my wife like that id do a lot more then shout at them even if it did result in getting my arse kicked/thrown out of the festival. and yes the good security companies wont tolerate this sort of shit as they know it gives them all a bad name.

  5. My wife was assaulted at Arcadia on Friday night at Arcadia by who I thought were voluntary stewards . After reporting this to the police on site and the festival yesterday I am seriously impressed with how the festival have dealt with the whole situation.

    I was given a map to fill in by Martin Casey at the festival office, to give our location and asked to give a detailed explanation of what happened. He quickly found out it was a private firm and got back to me today saying

    " the orange/blue tabard means it is not a volunteer GFL steward.

    I have therefore passed the full info you have kindly provided to the appropriate coordinator concerned for the investigation to continue."

    I have just been called by the head of security from the festival who has taken this on , he said he has found the security firm involved and asked them to trace the individuals whose location should be on their records and will pass all the info he gathers to the police. You hear so many times that security cover for each over and brush things under the carpet but he sounded to take this personally and said the festival never put up with these things.

    It really helped that I managed to record some audio from incident on my camera as I was filming the landing show.

    @ 13.02 , sorry for my language but you push my wife, well.....

  6. My wife was assaulted by a steward at arcadia on Friday night at the start of the landing show and this was reported to security and police at the time. The festival has taken this very seriously and we have been amazed by their response.

    They have sent me a very detailed map of the site to pinpoint the exact location of the attack (that's a strong word but very apt)but I need to pinpoint the location of the speaker stack nearest the cocktail bar and the round hammock and wondered if anyone had any photos of this ?

    Thanks in advance.

  7. I thought he was brilliant , first time seeing him loved it but a bloke next to me thought it was a bit flat. Loved seeing him try to throw his guitar and collapse on the drum kit , this is how rock stars should be , w*nkered, falling out of nightclubs with hookers and syringes unlike the usual media trained pop stars out there.

  8. At the start of the Arcadia landing show on Friday next to a speaker stack and my wife who is tiny slipped over and bumped into a steward, he put both hands on her shoulders and threw her into some railings and fell to the floor , she had her expensive ray bans on the top of her head which flew of and was walked on by a raver.

    I confronted the steward and it got very heated very quickly , a female steward who had seen the incident grabbed the man and put him behind her , I was f***ing angry and demanded something happened but every time I spoke she smugly said I cant hear you (they had ear defenders on) , I demanded they gave me ID or security numbers and she replied " As we are volunteers we are not obliged to give you anything"

    Grown man assaults a woman then had to hide behind a woman to stop himself getting a kicking.

    I was very sober that night. After a few minutes I noticed more and more actual security gathering near me, I overheard one say into his radio that I had tried to assault a steward and knew I was about to get a kicking or thrown out and we managed to slip away.

    Let me make this clear , I in no way assaulted anyone.

  9. One of our group announced that that week he had seen a picture of his mum when she was in her 20's and thought he would of fucked her , when we told him that was not right he said it was fine as he was not born then so technically not his mum at the time.

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