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Posts posted by Divein

  1. 2 hours ago, stuie said:

    Is @Ddiamond not allowed in to play yet?

    After today and what Neil said I wouldn’t becoming back if I were him. Especially if it’s the thanks you get for the engagement and information he brings. But he did confirm B9 dropping this week before he left just a shame he won’t be around to discuss it.

     I also know Neil’s behaviour is putting people off posting the bits of information they have as well. 


  2. A proper shame Diamond has gone, a genuine poster with lots of knowledge of  the festival and music has a whole. 

    I was meant to DM him to ask him to clarify some info I had about a booking but I guess we’ll have to wait till the Park line up is out. 

  3. 56 minutes ago, Neil said:

    No scattergun, all of the idiot posters banned recently have been complained about by other users here, they aren't quite the perfect people you pretend. i'll continue to shut down the idiots who are only here to spoil the forums for other people .  and i'll continue to be led in rthat by the opinions of other posters here other posters whose contributions are well liked by others not just well liked by themselves or their mates.

    Shock horror, another merely mouthed, condescending and vague response to another legitimate criticism.

  4. 10 hours ago, highwater said:

    I live in Stoke but managed to get a coach ticket in the resale from Southampton!!! Nightmare logistically, but grateful I've found a way in at this late stage. 

    Wondering what the chances are of jumping on the Stoke bus on the Monday hoping that there's a spare seat and a friendly driver?! 


    I did the Stoke coach in 2016 and it was half full on the way back and my ticket never got checked. It was the same driver though and I wondered if he just recognised people as we spent a long time together on the way down. 

  5. 1 hour ago, nikkic said:

    Arctic Monkeys don’t have a problem producing great albums, they have a problem performing them.

    Great albums. Absolute pony live.

    (I’d still be there for a secret set though). 

    That 2013 set is one of the best headline sets ever.

    But I said a while back they deserved to tour TBHAC on the Pyramid so would certainly go for a full album secret set. 

  6. 13 hours ago, FrankieX said:

    As I have a Fresh & Black tent, there's a problem with the tent being dark even during the day. This is compounded by the fact that I can't bring myself to spend much on a lamp when I'm only going to use it for five days every year. I think I may have found a solution:


    I bought this from Home Bargains today for £2.99. It appears to be very bright, and has a hook which seems perfect for hooking on the loop in my tent. They also had this for £3.99: https://www.homebargains.co.uk/products/18323-nitelite-ultra-bright-cob-led-collapsible-lantern.aspx if you want the light in all directions.

    Thank you ill grab one if these when im next in town, I've always found laterns work better than normal torches and head torch's in tents as you can hook them up. Also Laterns are 360 so you dont realy have to worry about where you put it on the floor.

  7. 34 minutes ago, gooner1990 said:

    Sorry if I'm misunderstanding here...you're wife is on shakes but you don't recommend them?

    So protein oats in the morning, then have Huel or have something different for lunch?

    Yeah it's more about convenience for her and I've explained to her but she's free to do her own thing. 


    If Huel is going to help you then have that but what happens in 6 months/ a year, I'm just giving you advice on how to make it sustainable for years to come not just a 6 months cycle like with Huel.



  8. 15 minutes ago, gooner1990 said:

    I'm just about to start on Huel....a friend of mine recommended it.

    My weight has crept up over the last 4-5 years and I'm about 3 stone heavier than I was in Summer 2017. 

    Any tips?  At the moment I have Kellogg's fruit burst, a coffee, banana and apple for breakfast,  soup and bread for lunch and then a normal dinner.  I think though where I fall down is the snacking in-between then the beer/fatty food consumption at the weekend.

    TW: Calories/Calorie Counting (If anyone doesnt want to read)


    I don't like to lecture people/nag/ be negative as I feel the only way people lose weight/ get healthy is through their own choices. but I would say the reason you are snacking in between is those meals is because they arnt filling you up so you are hungry.

    There's next to no protein in either of your breakfast or lunch (dinner 😜) and protein will keep you fuller for longer and really is the key to losing weight imo. Your protein goal (grams) for the day should be around 1.2x weight in kg. There's about 75g of protein in a 250g chicken breast for some perspective. Also about 1/3 of calories in protein are burnt off through digestion and also increase your metabolism more than any other food.

    For example you could have protein oats in the morning and then have your fruit as shakes  throughout the day. 

    Calorie counting is the best way to lose weight and using my fitness pal will help you track and also give you an idea of how many calories are in your snack which might stop you from snacking. 

    This website https://tdeecalculator.net/ will work out your maintenance calories and then take about 300-500 off to get a deficit and go from there. 

    Replacement shakes are just calorie counting/macro tracking but someone is doing all the work for you. My wife is on shakes and they are all high in protein. 

    Sorry for going on, I just believe giving people the tools to lose weight is more beneficial in the long term than just saying "here drink this and you'll lose weight"

    Im not an expert by no means but been calorie counting on and off fro about 5 years and its changed my relationship with food.


    Oh another tip....move more!


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  9. I don’t know how many of you have recipe boxes like gousto or hello fresh (or know anyone who does) but if you’re planning on taking cool boxes or want ice packs. They send re-usable ice packs in the boxes. So if you start keeping them now you’ll have a few for the festival. Saves chucking them and you can pop them and just bring the plastic back with you if you arnt using them again. 

  10. I know we dont succumb to wild speculation around here but you might be able to get away with a big secret set in the SEC if you had someone bigger in an area across the other side of the site.

    Maybe someone like Calvin Harris on Arcadia?


  11. 22 hours ago, Smeble said:

    Makes you wonder what measures are in place to offset the environmental impact of the festival, even before the impact on the local land fill, nearly everything will have arrived by truck, sometimes from a fair distance away, a few thousand arriving by coach won’t be sufficient, nor is giving money to Greenpeace. 

    edit. It seems The festival has a CO2 positive effect on the planet, mostly by planting trees, assuming all the figures are correct and the trees actually get planted that’s fantastic. Now if everyone could take their crap home with them afterwards things would be even better.

    Have you listen to the @GlastoCastpodcast with Luke from a greenpeace? There’s some really interesting bits on their about what they do to really reduce their area do to reduce impact on the environment.

    Including getting their olive oil by ship from Palestine.

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