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Posts posted by dart

  1. I'd say it's fairly likely next years headliners will be Monkeys QOTSA and a curveball, probably a cheapish one, I imagine after this year they'll realise weakening the undercard for the sake of booking expensive headliners isn't a good idea, and they'll want Monkeys on an exclusive which off the back of their 5th album which I'm sure will sell very well, so they wont be cheap at all.

  2. OCR history sounds horrendous, i've just finished my AS at AQA, french revolution it was about, exam questions aren't too hard just require a lot of writing and interpretive skills as well as a lot of information, a lot happened i guess haha. Really enjoy it though, history's a great subject i think

  3. Hmm, picking a top 5 is hard. Definitely Foals & QOTSA & Daughter top 3. The probably Phoenix & BRMC squeezing in.

    Oh yeah, that reminds me, Amok was absolute shite :P

    I thought Amok was fantastic, but to be fair I am a Thom Yorke junkie haha, critical reception to it seemed quite positive though! It just struck me as King Of Limbs Part 2, but I can 100% anyone who'd listen to it and just think well this is shit hahaha

  4. I think the new Vampire weekend album is fantastic, have found some of their stuff very irritating previously but this new tone they've followed, while perhaps more sombre, seems to have just hit the middle ground for me. It's very laid back and relaxed for the most part, songs like Ya Hay and Step are their best as far as I'm concerned, really enjoying the feel of it.

  5. PLEASE book QOTSA to headline next year. New album is fantastic, preferably Pixies to sub but they could have fucking Bastille subbing for all I care. Reckon a good shout for another headliner+sub next year is Blur+Vaccines, possibly completing the lineup with Arctics+30STM?

  6. Gigsandtours have allegedly leaked that the Friday support acts are Rudimental, The Courteeners and Dizzee Rascal. Saturday's are allegedly Miles Kane, Johnny Marr and PiL. Here's a link showing the Friday support acts before they were taken down I believe https://www.google.co.uk/search?client=firefox-a&hs=VRx&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&q=courteeners+dizzee+rascal+rudimental+stone+roses&spell=1&sa=X&ei=ZL2UUaWzHsrI0AWut4C4CA&ved=0CC4QvwUoAA&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.46471029,d.d2k&biw=1360&bih=638&cad=h

  7. I really do hope we get Tribes again, saw their instore gig at H&M in manchester last thursday, was quality, good every time I've seem them live and dead nice blokes. Forgot to ask them whether they were doing Leeds this year haha, they were saying Leeds last year was their favourite gig if I recall correctly, they were ace at that too.

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