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Posts posted by Firesprice

  1. the first time I went, 2002 (?) my mate said I could take his girlfriends ticket because she was doing his head in. We literally sped off in the car with her chasing us...needless to say they are not together anymore! The festival is epic and it is almost pointless trying to explain it to someone...the years I couldn't go I spent on the sofa watching it in the spirit of a wake...so now I just have to make sure to go! See y'all there soon...

  2. Fantastic idea...I'd also recommend covering your entire body in a thick coat of Vaseline to avoid potential chaffing and wearing a full bio-chemical hazard suit; especially when nearing the long - drops!

  3. Fantastic idea...I'd also recommend covering your entire body in a thick coat of Vaseline to avoid potential chaffing and wearing a full bio-chemical hazard suit; especially when nearing the long - drops!

  4. started getting on it Tuesday evening last year on the drive to Glastonbury (I wasn't driving!)...got in the queue, stayed up all night partying then was amongst first into the festival. Nearly passed out lugging all the stuff across the site and then couldn't put my tent up to save my life. Had absolutely badgered myself right at the start...painful! Gonna take it easy this year...honest!

  5. ...recent studies have shown that 88% of visitors to this site end up peaking to early at Glastonbury at around 03:30 am on the Thursday. Thank God for the second wind phenomenon!

  6. best not focus on the loo situation too much. just try and concentrate on the myriad of opportunities available to you at Glastonbury! Focussing on the toilet situation, trying to pre-plan your sh1tting and p1ssing requirements vis-a-vis the range of facilities available to you might not prepare you too much for the inevitable encounter with the fearsome longdrop....

  7. copious amounts of hash cake washed down with a pint of red wine is generally not considered a nutritious nor sensible breakfast. Just what was in store for me however was a cheeky surprise.... 6 slices in and showing off with bravado, I enquired "just how much gear did you put in this cake"? to the illustrious baker. " 4 to 5 OUNCES" came the reply. Admittedly, cold sweats enveloped me and I withdrew into a general state of foreboding and panic....then it hit me like a train....I barely managed to crawl into my tent before every muscle in my body ceased responding to my brain and I span in circles freefalling into 8 hours of oblivion....goodbye Friday at Glastonbury 2008!

  8. Does anyone know how much spirits I should put in say a 1 litre mixer bottle to be the equivalent of a double measure and mixer from a bar?

    I've quicky worked it out as 70ml (double measure) spirits per half pint / 284ml glass.

    284ml - 70ml = 214ml

    Soooo 70ml spirits + 214ml mixer = Half pint measure or 284 ml

    1000ml ÷ 284ml = 3.5

    (3.5 x 70ml) + (3.5 x 214ml) = 1lt

    Or (245ml spirits) + (749ml mixer) = 1lt

    Put simpler 250ml spirits in a 1tr bottle or 500ml in a 2lt bottle.

    1 part spirit 3 parts mixer.

    Anyone any good with maths out there? Is this correct?

    nooooo....its much easier than that. Imagine yourself making a really big cocktail....pour in a shed load of booze and then add your mixer....roughly 3 parts mixer to 1 part spirit...sorted!

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