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Posts posted by Cheesey

  1. On 6/9/2024 at 9:19 AM, Crazyfool01 said:

    These look more and more like projection towers 



    Screenshot 2024-06-09 at 09.18.25.png


    The placement looks weird if that's what they are. Judging by the webcam they seem to be positioned something like this:




    In 2011 the projection towers were positioned more like this:



  2. 3 minutes ago, parsonjack said:

    They look to have erected some signposts weirdly.......


    And they also look like they're taking photos of the signposts (or filming them?) with cameras on tripods 🤔

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  3. 40 minutes ago, pauladam said:

    Hmm - has the "Where we all belong" poster just peeled off from the rain - or is there about to be a new poster on the notice board?




    Looks like it peeled off all by itself at about 09:25 this morning.

  4. 11 hours ago, Lubic said:

    I have to admit i’m pretty disappointed with what they’ve done with the camping around gate A.


    They do at least appear to have fixed the weird decision last year to make people go all the way under and around Woodsies from Gate A to reach Wicket Ground.





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  5. On 5/24/2024 at 9:14 PM, Pipine said:

    It’s had a strip of general camping along the top of it until last year. My friends have been camping there for several years. 


    Ah ok, I see what you mean. I always thought of that strip as part of Lime Kiln.

  6. 7 hours ago, j00nbrains said:

    Do we know if wicket ground is family camping only now? I camped there 2 years ago next to the fenced family camping area and we really liked the spot, planning on that again this year.


    Wicket Ground has been family camping only since 2010.

  7. 41 minutes ago, Crazyfool01 said:

    Coldplay had some projection towers didnt they although were they not forward of that ? 


    I had similar thoughts, but the towers this year look well behind the Pyramid stage. Might be some other trick up their sleeves though...

  8. 23 minutes ago, devonhammer said:

    What's the scaffolding tower in the backstage area? Don't think it's normally there



    Yeah, it's definitely not normally there. There are actually two of them:







  9. 2 minutes ago, Lubic said:

    However found the spider pretty underwhelming when it returned in 2022


    Agreed. Large parts of the structure from previous years were missing so it was much smaller, and there was no show. IIRC it was a make-do job though, after planning permission for the crane fell through? Financial issues after Covid obviously wouldn't have helped either.


    The dragonfly sounds like it could be a real return to form though 🤞

  10. 14 minutes ago, al_coholic said:

    Anyone seen any images of the dragonfly yet?


    This is the only picture I've seen. It's a big chopper!


    Founders Pip Rush and Bert Cole on the new Dragonfly at Arcadia. Organisers say The Dragonfly at Arcadia, a giant biomechanical creature, "will awaken at the heart of an evolved geometric space, exploring themes of renewal, climate change and our relationship with technology".


    Edit: Same chopper shown in the instagram vid a couple of posts down:



  11. 13 hours ago, al_coholic said:

    Can someone please explain to me how to put photos into posts.


    As mentioned above, the Windows Snipping Tool or something similar is the way 👍


    Or, for a simple screenshot with no markup you can use the Time Machine, zoom into the part you want, right click, copy image, then just paste it into your post on the forum.


  12. I don't think its position has changed enough to invert that field completely, but something is going to have to change with the camping.


    Looks to me like it's moving about this much:



  13. Second speaker stand is up now. Looks to me like the size of the circle is probably the same, but the whole thing is shifted north west.


    We need a 2024 map! 🙂 

  14. On 5/9/2024 at 2:29 PM, Gnomicide said:

    Just closing up the front.




    They're up there genuinely zipping it up now 🙂



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  15. 53 minutes ago, Jacko45 said:


    I've only been once so grasping the places layout empty is near impossible.


    Out of interest, where are those long-drops on the site


    You can use the Time Machine to view webcam images taken during a festival, which should help you get your bearings.

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