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Pr1vate Piles

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Posts posted by Pr1vate Piles

  1. In my preperations i've just realised that i've neglected to research the local McDonalds for my saturday and monday morning breakfasts!

    Just checked and there are 3 in warrington... but which one is the closest? I'm thinking of setting the sat nav to go to that mcdonalds and hoping it's close enough to start following the signs for creamfields!

  2. mines packed too, if they wanna go through all my clothes to find my washbag and then take it out they are welcome to, however I have much more of a need to actually wear it after an evening of pulling off the Chernobyl Child then I would in using it as a flamethrower and torching someone's tent!

  3. I might well roll up to the meet-up, I know when and where it is, so if there is nothing on I will be there to catch up with people. not gonna be able to decide until I get my hands on one of those lanyards tho!

    I'm sure I'll see some of you without even knowing about it anyway, especially Pr1vate p1les in his blue morph suit. You just know i'm gonna ask every person I see in a blue morph suit what a breadcake is until I get a reaction... then i'll know i've got the right person!

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