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Posts posted by so_wot

  1. It will not be wet and muddy, period!

    Ive twisted my ankle and will be in deep do-dos if it's slippery or foot suckingly muddy. Plus I may have to have my left welly surgically removed if I do manage to get it on over my swollen ankle.

  2. Fuelled by the successful borrowing of a much bigger car, optimism is king!

    Wellies and waterproofs are relegated to the dark depths of the boot. Sun hats and flip flops rule.

    Having read the entrails of seaweed (well, saw something roughly like a heat haze pattern in the green frizzy stuff from the Chinese) I am predicting lots of sun, with occasional cooling showers and only moderate ickiness underfoot. And my forecasting track record is no worse than the met office.

  3. Had a car packing party-ette last night. With his parents on hols my best bud brought round his dads car - about three times the size of his beaten up Clio so we are re thinking our plans big time!!

    Erring on the side of optimism we have all rethought our travelling outfits - wellies and waterproofs have already been thrown in the boot in a 'won't be needed but just in case / appease the rain gods' kind of way.

    We are off shortly to buy shelter FROM THE SUN!!!! Have had trouble with lack of shade in the past. Gf wants a gazebo! But I think they are sooo middle age - I mean they should really have a baby crawling on a rug inside. May settle for beach umbrellas.

    Need a new hat though - only have my old white cricket hat - with shorts and green wellies it makes me look like a public schoolboy off for some larks with his chums amongst the poor smelly oiks. 'oh no, wellies are essential Sebastian, I mean, one just doesn't know who one is stepping on'

  4. If you think we had anything approaching "torrential" rain in 2008, then that must've been your first year. Certainly you can't have been within a hundred miles of Worthy Farm in 2005 or 2007.

    2008 we had a bit of light rain for a few hours on Thursday late afternoon / evening. Then basically no notable rain for the rest of the fsestival. Even that tiny amount of water still had a big impact on the site, with grass disappearing rapidly.

    I don't appreciate these attempts to justify that any amount of rain is acceptable at Glastonbury. It's not. Ever. Rain plus feet equals Mud. That's just basic science.


  5. I think the problem is people who want a sanitized them-centered Glasto - not a take it as it comes being with other people you don't know yet Glasto. It's the being there being part of it I love. I can spend a few days with my mates anywhere anytime.

    Perhaps they should have their own field (taped off naturally) so we don't all have to suffer thmn. Perhaps they could call it Bell End??

  6. Wish there was some more context for that quote as it really doesn't make any sense. The Wombles are a novelty act too far but Rolf Harris, and Beyonce are just fine?

  7. Jesus, they're only turds ... stick to the long drops, not only for the fact that the turds are 6 feet away, but the openness allows fresh air to circulate. I honestly have no problem doin the bizzle ...

  8. Whether you favour trainers boots or wellies - try to avoid new ones. Something well worn in as your main footwear is best to avoid blisters.

    I take old trainers as my main shoes, with wellies for wet/mud (rubber not plastic) and flip flops for around the camp to air my tootsies

    If you're going to spend money buy good socks and lots of them.

  9. A mask sounds a good idea. Have a papery face mask but a gas mask could be interesting. Practical, yet stylish in a fetishistic sort of way.

    As for being regular, I find an early morning amble round the site as everyone else snores, grunts and farts away is both another way to enjoy the Glastonbury experience and a natural way to get things going. Risks scaring the gf when I come back of course but as we're going for separate tents this year it will not be a problem.

  10. I love Glastonbury and just being there. The toilets are the worst bit for me. Some seem to enjoy them !!! But each to their own I suppose. What are your top toilet tips, perfect poo pointers etc etc

    Mine depends on being like me ie someone who wakes up early regardless of when I went to bed and what state I'm in. Drinking water before I go to bed helps. I try to make myself get up and go to the toilets for a poo. Sometimes I go for a walk to get it going. It's a great time to see things in a different light. The toilets are also usually quieter, cleaner and cooler. Then of course I go back to my pit, feeling lighter and smug in the knowledge that I will not have to face it when they are at their rankest or risk missing something.

    I've been advised to wear boots/wellies as you don't know what you're stepping in and to try not too eat too much red meat. Not necessarily practical.

  11. Don't care if it rains

    Not even bothered by the line up

    And I touch myself all night every night BUT

    Just love being there with my mates and consequently am so over excited!

  12. Its my first Glastonbury this year, and needless to say I cannot wait! I know I haven't done Glastonbury before but I've been to T in the Park and Leeds, and I know that obviously wellies are a life saver, but one of the worst things that happened was when I wore them when it started raining at the start of the day, and then it got sunny, and I being the lazy person you become in a field, I decided to not go back to the tent and stay in them all day and it was the worst decision I have ever made! My feet sweat that much that when it got to night time, the cold made the sweat freezing and it felt like my feet were about to fall off, so always take a pair of boots/trainers, and don't become lazy like me!

  13. If it's hot and sunny it'll be great - avoid sun stroke and party hard

    If it's wet and muddy so wot? Waterproof and welly up and get on - at least it'll be memorable

    Grey and drizzly would be the worst - irritating and nothing to rave or go on about until it comes round again. weather is part of the thing

  14. I cant believe non of you have recommended boots or wellies just for going the loo!

    The long drops and portaloos can get very wet underfoot with god knows what! I remember seeing a girl last time i went with flip flops on and soaking wet feet and toilet roll attached to them!! GROSS!!

    I wore boots last time and also took wellies, it was roasting but i survived!

  15. Being a year clean of illegal substances or so called legal highs, this will be my first Glastonbury with nothing more than beer and cider.

    Has anyone else been on this path? If so, what's your experience.

    PS I was not a heavy user just recreational - but rarely partied without

    I am also not judging those that do - I believe it is about personal freedom and choice but that includes the choice not to at all or to tgive it up.

    I am actually having a better time without and have also had less panic attacks, although I've no way of knowing if there is any connection.

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