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Posts posted by pezzypops

  1. Great thread, there's a lot of stuff here I'd forgotten, and I'm a grizzled veteran!

    One good tip for everyone; empty your wallet of things you won't need.

    If it gets lost or stolen it'll save a bit of hassle. My wallet now contains my cash card, driving license, blood donor card (it has my blood type written on it, could be useful in an emergency) and cash. I really don't need to take my library card with me :)

    Edit: taking my RAC card, too.

  2. Can be anywhere from about £5-£8 for an average meal. It goes without saying that the further from the main stages you get the cheaper the food is, and it's often nicer too :) In 2011 I paid £8 for a pie, mash, peas, and onion gravy at Pie Minister, which is in the more expensive part I'd say... but is delicious!

    I'm not taking any food at all this year and I'm budgeting about £20 a day for food, hope that helps :)!

  3. You can rip a white plastic bag into strips and tie them to the guy ropes. They'll still be visible at night.

    Like others have said, only use the ones you absolutely need. Guy ropes are to stop your tent blowing away in high wind. We aren't going to be getting much of that in a valley in Somerset in June (well, touch wood).

  4. I always mean to look for it but never find the time. Or, the only time I remember about it is when I'm at the opposite end of the site.

    It's in Dragon field, yeah? Up to the stone circle, hang a left through the trees and then in there somewhere? Or does it move about year to year?

    I found the stone dragon in the stream last time I went, there's not many things I still need to cross off my glasto bucket list.

    Edit: Also, how come my avatar doesn't animate any more? It used to be the cider bus speeding along a dusty track but now it's just a still :(

  5. Ooh, thanks for the reminder, BH. I'll make a note to tune my car radio before I set off. It's the only thing to listen to when getting close to the site.

  6. If you have a Go Outdoors store near you I'd recommend looking at their own Hi Gear brand of budget camping gear. It's all really well made and cheap too. Everything in the store has a retail price and a discount price. to get the discount you need to buy a discount card, but that's only £4, as long as you're getting more than that off the price you're ok. (and it's usually quite a bit, I bought some £100 hiking boots for £55).

    here's the Hi Gear sleeping bags, tons of them are under £20 - http://www.gooutdoors.co.uk/camping/sleeping-bags/hi-gear/sort/2

  7. Hope everything will be fine. I broke my kneecap 6 weeks before glastonbury in '07 and though I was off my crutches by then I still couldn't kneel down (which is kinda essential in my little dome tent). The one time I slipped in the mud I put my foot down hard so I wouldn't fall; I nearly fell over anyway when the pain shot through my knee ;)

  8. Plus countryfile is tradition now... Knowing loads of other glasto goers are also tuned in makes it feel like we are nearly there.

    Which we are. Hold tiiiight!

  9. This is the first time doing the go-tuesday-night thing. I'm setting off from Newcastle early evening to arrive in the east car parks after midnight so I can just go straight to sleep in the car.

    I've done west car parks every year that I've driven so far but after getting stuck in the worlds biggest tailback in '09 (it started on M5 at lunchtime and continued on up the A39 and A361 through Glastonbury town. We got on site at about 9pm, bloody ridiculous), I'm trying out something new.

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