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Mark Pooler

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Posts posted by Mark Pooler

  1. In 2009 I say the woman who plays Hayley the tranny in Corrie by the pyramid. I was so stoned it took me ages to get up, when I eventually did she was gone. I proceeded to run around shouting "HAYLEY!" and asking if anyone had seen "Hayley from Corrie". Most people ignored me, thinking I was on acid.

  2. Last year we didn't arrive until thursday afternoon worrying where we could camp. We were shown to back of Rivermead next to the hedge joined to Pylon and after my six Glastos I think this may be the best. It's got good access to JP, Pyramid, Other and Dance although admittedly it is a bit of a yomp from Shagri-La. If like me you take numerous booze-runs during the festival, this area has got great access to gate A & D. Definately camping there this year. 42 SLEEPS!!!!!

  3. Emily has been quoted saying that the secret act is a "potential headliner". This would have to rule out Jay Z, Killers, Radiohead, Arctic Monkeys and Pulp as they have already done so. Kasbian have been the bridesmaid twice but never the bride, so my money is on them. Plus they are playing Isle of Wight 2 weeks before.

  4. I'm there with ya. Didn't think I'd have a hope of a ticket but all 8 of us got tickets. I am absolutely buzzing and am not apologising for being so happy. Comiserations to all of you that didn't get tickets. I have put in so much groundwork to get these tickets and I feel duly rewarded, peace out!

  5. I had tickets at 9:15 in October only for my friend to give me the wrong registration number so the whole order for me and my 7 friends was rejected and we were put to the back of the queue. If anyone has ideas or helpful hints I would be very happy, positivity!!

  6. No chance of them playing Glasto next year. Everybody this year were saying they could turn up because they were playing Hyde Park. This has definately cushioned the blow of not getting Glasto tickets as I only live a 5 minute walk from the Ricoh Arena, Coventry. Get in there!!!

  7. After weighing up all the pro's and con's about travelling to Glasto, myself and my friend said we would still drive even if the carpark was £50. Our group takes a fair bit of booze with us so partly because it works out cheaper and because of the pisch they serve at the bar.

    EMILY, if you are reading this, don't be getting any ideas!!

  8. I personally think that if Seetickets had their way, they would sell the tickets with payment problems straight away because the money would be in their bank earning them lots of lovely interest. That's my theory. Maybe I'm holding out hope for an early resale. Saddo, I know.....

  9. I was part of a group of 8 that didn't get any tickets on sunday. We got through at 9:20 and my friend entered the details on the booking page only for one of my friends to give the wrong registration number. We were told it was the wrong then promptly told we were being sent to the queue page. We then did'nt have another sniff until they were sold out. I have no problem with this whatsoever and believe the distribution of the tickets was quite fair really. I think the only ones that think it's unfair just have sour grapes. One difference I noted this year was that when the tickets were nearly sold out you would hear that there are only coach tickets left. Some of my friends previously have purchased these and got the ticket when they got on the coach then jumped off and travelled down in our group. So have these stopped from being sold or what? I was under the impression that Glastonbury was trying to label themselves as a "greener" festival. Now, next year there is going to be an increase in the car-park fee exploiting the car users without advertising coaches.

  10. Come on people POSITIVE THINKING

    I'm trying to do the same over on Twitter. I personally think that if you put the effort in you will be rewarded. I am on twitter so, if anyone else is on Twitter follow me @DaddyPig76 and I will follow you to keep updated with pre-sales and then the general re-sales. PEOPLE WE CAN DO IT!!

  11. I saw lots of people having the pictures on their tickets checked year. Mainly whilst re-entering to do a car-run. These checks were done more by security staff and not gate staff. I personally saw 4 rejected and having their bands cut off.

  12. For all of you that didn't get tickets(me likewise)I'm trying to start a twitter network. Follow me on @DaddyPig76 and I will in turn follow you and build a bit of a "strength in numbers". I don't get on e-Fests as much because it is hard to access through my phone. But come on people we can do this! I am a firm believer that if you put the effort in, you WILL be rewarded. Remember @DaddyPig76

  13. A mate of mine had a winnebago that was parked on Pennard Hill Farm. I think they are roughly £8000. He got his for nothing in return for designing a new webite for them. He had to pay for his wristband at face value and when he got it he realised it was a backstage pass. He then took great pleasure in annoying Neil Tennant, Doctor Who, Emily Watson, Arctic Monkeys and various d-list celebs.

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