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Posts posted by GlasstoLuver

  1. You dont need to recharge the phone if you use it well...

    I took a N95 last year and it lasted the whole 5 days on a single charge... only times I switch it on were:

    1) Call someone in the group to arrange a meeting place, then switch off

    2) Switch on once every 2-3hrs in case someone sent me a text... after being on for 2-3 mins... switch off.

    3) To check twitter glastonbury for the secret bands, usually 1 check at around 1-2pm would give me my secret bands, was on bookmakrs too to save time.

    4) To use the camera, as soon as I was done, switch off.... I am the worse person at taking pictures anyway, think I just took like 15 if that, lol... so if you use it a lot for that then I am guessing you'll drain the battery really quickly.

    Think I did charge it on Saturday actually, but still had half the battery left and only charged it because a friend went to the Orange tent to charge hers, so I thought I might as well charge mine while I'm there.

    If it took Wed-Sat to get half then it would have easily done the Sat-Sun-Mon with half battery.

    Obviously switch off bluetooth, Wifi, vibration, key sounds, etc...

  2. 2000 was the first year I went and as I wasnt aware how BIG the festival was I spent much of my time at Pyramid, so is almost certain I am on that field at the time the picture was taken but I would have been right at the front.

  3. I was personally thinking of buying this for next year... anyone used something like it before? any good?

    In regards to a perfect trolley... if the above is any good then I'd modify the towing shackle to have like a shoulder harness adapted to it. That way you can pack up, get a can in one hand, fag on the other and walk... just seems like a good lazy idea to me :) obviously it would need some sort of break so it doesn't run you over when going downhill.

    And in theory, I think I rather pull a trolley in a "strongest man" competition style than struggle using one hand until it hurts to switch to my other hand until that hurts again.

    1) Definitely needs to be flat packable, last year there was 4 of us in the car, a big Mondeo and we filled the car up as much as we could, no way I could fit something that big without flattening it.

    2) With security, I would not leave this thing on display at a festival, personally I would like to be able to flatten it and put it under my sleeping mattress.

    3) If I could give it additional uses because it's designed for it then I'd say 2 seater chair, table... but needs to be easy flattened to put it away if everyone in the group is leaving the camp area.

    4) Needs to be really really sturdy, if you ever test it please don't do it in a park or something like that, needs to be hardcore testing in rough terrain, I mean it!

    5) Design it in a way that you can flatten like 3/4 or 1/2 of the trolley under your mattress, the remaining part of it could be designed so it folds to provide a) small table B) a safe big enough for phone/wallet/keys/cash.

    The safe might sound stupid but from experience I know most people get their things stolen when they are in their tents sleeping.

    This is because thiefs know most people will hide their phone/wallet/cash in the same 'original' places they all hide them in, they'll go in the tent while you sleep take the things of value and go to the next tent.

    If you have 3/4 1/2 of the trolley folded under your mattress and you are sleeping on it then there is no way they can take the things in the safe.

    Obviously when you wake up in the morning you'll take the things out of the safe to carry them around with you, so you can leave the safe open, if a thief goes in your tent when you are gone the safe will be open and empty and they wont be tempted to steal the trolley or break the trolley to take the safe.

    Only problem I see... if I was a Dragons Den dude.... is it would cost a lot to manufacture this sort of stuff and I could easily see something like this costing £250+... would a lot of people pay that much for it? I wouldnt... only way I would is if I knew it works really well even in muddy terrain and if I know it would last me 5+ years.


    That's 5 years if you go to a lot of festivals I mean, lol... let's say it survives 25+ festivals, I'd consider it a good investment then.

    But yeah dude good luck, definitely a gap in the market for this if it can be made profitable and if it delivers as a product.

    Oh yeah and like Boris said... needs to work on mud... so the way I see it only tracks would work... but that'd make it so much harder to make and not even sure if pulling tracks is easy?

    Ideally... as you say, my dream trolley :)... would be like a half track design! Bundesarchiv_Bild_101I-801-0664-37%2C_Berlin%2C_Unter_den_Linden%2C_Sch%C3%BCtzenpanzer.jpg .... now imagine the soldiers are boxes of beers and tents... and its like a lot smaller... it doesnt have an engine or a driver, lol... and you are pulling that without too much effort using a shoulder harness whilst drinking your beer and smoking a spliff.... dream trolley... hell make it so it has a fan that keeps you cool while you push it as well, that'd be cool, hehe :)

  4. Unfortunately can't remember name of the band, a girl was the singer/guitarist though.

    She says: "this is our new single!"

    Within less than a minute of playing they stop, I personally thought SHE messed up, so she blames the drummer... they try again... and at the end says: "it sounds a lot better on the album"

    What a joke, lol

    It was at Leeds festival 02 I think.

  5. Leaving anytime after 3-4am on Monday is decent I think.

    I like a nice send off after the Sunday headliners...e.g dancing at Dance Village or wherever there is music still on... or go to the Stone Circle... or just go for a wonder around the site... remember you wont be back for at least a year and in next year's case at least 2 years!

    So why rush it?

  6. Just take newbies with you each year if you feel newbies deserve a chance, that is what I been doing since 2008:

    In 2008 I took 2 newbies with me.

    I could not afford 2009 but my 2 friends loved it and took 2 other newbies with them that year.

    2010 me and those 4 friends came and I took another newbie with me.

    2011 we all got tickets and might be taking another newbie if she can get tickets in resell.

    I'd take more newbies with me each year but is amazing how girls and metrosexual-ish dudes are with their 'eugh, 5 days without a shower? camping in a tent? not for me" is hard to explain Glastonbury with words and when you try they think you are high and a hippy or something, lol.

  7. I am currently listening to Metallica, so yeah I'd love them playing!

    But would they get a decent crowd? It's not Reading/Download so I guess a large part of the crowd would be like: "that's too heavy man"

    Tool (another fav band) would be amazing as Other Stage headliners.

    In fact like all the heavy bands mentioned so far are awesome imo, if only there was a Heavy-Metal/Rock Glastonbury... Download/Reading suck balls as Festivals IMO, the whole getting out of the arena thing is just so crap to me, not being allowed to bring your own drinks, just sucks.

  8. When I look at the history of line ups for the years I've been to Glasto is kind of depressing the amount of bands I missed, probably because too drunk/high to care, lol.. as long as I am in Glasto, with a beer in one hand and a joint on the other I am happy.


    Feeder, Coldplay, Muse, A perfect Circle


    White Stripes, Queens of the Stoneage, Lostprophets


    The Verve


    Slash, Florence and the Machine, Lissie.

  9. Are there any other festivals that allow you to bring your own booze to the arena like at Glasto? if so I am prob going to that as well.

    I just like getting my liver up nice and early at festivals!

  10. Alright All.

    Can anybody help or point me in the right direction please.

    Does anybody know the promoters for the Fluffy Rock Cafe (great place for new bands) or any of the smaller type stages as we are trying to get some promo/demo stuff sent off for our band., in view to maybe grabbing at slot for next year...(we were lucky enough to get tickets)

    I know there is a couple of links on the Glasto site,but its the smaller places we are after any info no matter how small would be great....


    The Batman


    * +

    * -

  11. I think U2 are ok, if they play good, if they don't then not too bothered.

    But this song IMO has nothing "Glastonbury" about it, for a Glastonbury festival song you'd expect lyrics containing things that are part of the festival, the cows, mud, long drops, pyramid, stone circle, Eavis family, etc...

    Song is ok, might be a grower but doesn't feel it was made by someone that actually loves the festival as much as many of us do.

  12. 1) Being drunk with my friend at the Circus and being as animated by the kids performer as the little kids were, only to hear the presenter say to the other grown ups: "Come on people, only the kids and those two drunks over there (pointing at us) seem to be enthusiastic to be here"

    2) Shaking hands with Travis, Cypress Hill and Adam Duritz (Counting Crows)

    3) Getting lost at every turn in my first Glasto in 2000 but ending up right underneath 3-4 firework displays

    4) Getting to the dance field on Sunday after Stevie Wonder only to find there was no music, me and my friend were about to go to the car park and suddenly a tiny stage switched the music on full blast when we were in front of it and started dancing , then we turned around and there were hundreds of people running towards us to join in and dance.

    too many!

    5) Making a bong with a Pringle's tube in the tent when it was pissing down and none of us wanted to leave the tent.

    6) Covering our friend with beer while she was having a shit in the toilets.

    7) When after a nice sunny festival it rained during "Why does it always rain me" by Travis to then stop raining when they finished the song.

    That place is the closest it gets to magic tbh.

  13. He publicly states that he takes £50k a year out for himself and the work he puts in. Over the years he has seemingly become quite rich as a result of the money he pays himself for the fest - but of course it's his second income cos of the farm, and the amount over 40 years of running the festival adds up.

    But it's still a tiny amount compared to what he'd have made if he was doing it for pure profit.

  14. I am sure Mr Eavis doesn't earn that much money from this festival.

    The whole setup of Glastonbury is much much harder and expensive to sustain than all other festivals, all other festivals close at midnight and open again at midday everyday (from what I remember), you waste half your time there at the boring camping sites.

  15. Honestly don't think the browser makes any difference at all.

    I got through on Chrome on my PC and bought 6 tickets, just 1 tab open... 1st Laptop on Chrome and 2nd Laptop on IE never even managed to get in the queue... I am with Virgin 50MB.

    Personally I think is down to chance, if their server can only handle let's say 1000 people at the same time, as soon as 1 person completed their order and leaves that space will be allocated to whoever refreshes quickest after that person left the queue, when there are almost 1 million people doing the same it would be like trying to get a drink in the busiest bar ever, you think you got a space by the bar as soon as someone gets served but then in less than a second 100,000 people are trying to push in as well to get that space.

    Oh well, got my ticket, all my best mates are coming... sweet :)

    Oh and a bit of "oh my god" moment...

    If 700,000 people are trying to get tickets and the vast majority are using 15+ tabs and several PC's/laptops/etc... that means the server load is not 700,000 but probably closer to 20-30 MILLION requests to access that server, that is why is so busy, all the people using extra tabs/browsers/laptops/PC's lol.

    So in a way, we are all to blame more than Seetickets.

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