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Posts posted by Captain_Buns

  1. Last year the barrows were £20 & a £40 deposit. I think you got (I can't remember exactly) either 2 or 3 hours to return it to the spot inside the campsite for your deposit back.

    They weren't really of much use. I shitty wheel, 2 metal rods & a tarpaulin between them.

  2. I've done Podpads at Creamfields 2010. Didn't go in 2011, and done Tangerine Fields in 2012.

    Tangerine Fields, Pod Pads, Yurts etc all share the same field, toilets showers. There is no bar.

    To be honest, at Creamfields (I've done them at T in The park as well) I'd say PodPads aren't worth it.

    At T they go into something called The Residence, & Creamfields is nothing like that. So if your main concern is lugging a tent with you, I'd say go with Tangerine Fields. That's what I'm doing again this year.

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