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Posts posted by MamaJojo

  1. If you were in that crowd you are nothing more than a sheep who has a brain made out of plasticine which the marketing executives mould into whatever they please.

    I wrote a big long well argued reply but in the end just deleted it and choose instead to say:

    "f**k off russy"

    just because it's not to your taste does not mean her crowd consisted entirely of amoebas.

    An artist who writes her own stuff and has a HELL of a voice on her.... like to see you do f**king better but as usual I think you'll just carry on pissing on everyone else's parade

  2. this was the most self indulgant cringeworthy threads leading up to the festival. This Ian fellow clearly just wanted to get a nice video to put on facebook to show all his other braying buddies just what a "character" he is.

    I'm laughing my tits off that it was a predictably abject failure.

  3. 1) Given up on an intended camping spot and pitched where we stood - Put 5 Tents up in the rain

    2) Had my first 'official' Brothers (lemon-yumyum)

    3) Enjoyed the musically enhancing wonder that is mandy

    4) Watched a band from the back of the field and still really enjoyed it

    5) Camped with someone I'd met online (who turned out to be one of the soundest blokes we've ever met)

    6) Visited Pussy Parlure

    7) Been the only girl in camp (until reinforcements turned up late thursday)

    8) Had a major snogfest whilst led in the sun in the Other Stage field

    9) Watched a band on the West Holts stage

    10)Stayed away from the naughty corner

  4. dragged the other arf along as I wanted to see her but he wasn't fussed.... one of the biggest crowds I've ever seen at the other stage..... he wasn't particularly bothered but turned round after she'd sung the first line of 'Mamma Knows' to see him completely agog and stating "f**kin hell what a voice!!!"

    thought her crowd interaction was brilliant, she's got one hell of a set of pipes and found her quite refreshing

  5. heard said to two amourous youngsters entering their tent:

    "remember kids, always be careful and practice safe sex...... and leave your condom in the porch so I can suck the jizz out of it in the morning"

    and said by a mate to someone near us wearing a very 'religious' top and dancing a bit too over enthusiastically at radiohead (ie ramming into me every other second): "f**k off Jesus, you're doing my head in"

  6. Jaysus Russy are you always such a miserable b*stard or do you just piss on other peoples parades for shit & giggles?

    I'm sick to death of the negativity I've seen on here since coming back. Everything in life is what you make it....

    We didn't end up camping where we had wanted to.... but no matter, we pitched up in a different spot and ended up with a great group and a brilliant camp. We didn't see every band that we had planned to but the ones that we did make were absolute quality, and in place of the ones that we didn't we still had a f*ckin good time - Friday we didn't even leave the camp til 6.30 but had spent all day laughing our arses off so no matter.... had the occaisional knobjockey camped nearby but again, at the end of the day, whatever nonsense and bollocks they do is only gonna annoy you if you let it. Yep, the mud made things a bit harder but its not like it was the end of the world. Had a few bits and pieces nicked here and there but FGS, it's a canvas tent in a field, not fort knox, and the law of averages says that these things are more likely than not to happen. Not everything the fest organisers do is 100% perfect, but for the most part they get it pretty spot-on, and in things that go wrong they learn lessons and improve on years to come. At the end of 5 days we bagged up all our shit, left no trace, and departed with heavy boots and happy hearts.

    Awesome fest. Great time had by all in our group. And irregardless of what the feared demographic of 2013 will be I will go there again and no doubt will have an equally, if not better time. The fest is what you make of it and perhaps if more people spent less time wittering on about the failings of others and more time concentrating on enjoying it themselves then they would have a better time of it!!! And if they cant do that then I'd rather they cock off somewhere else and let those of us who enjoy the fest for what it is get on with it rather than come back and rip the thing to pieces.

  7. Well.....totally gutted we didn't make it to CT. After the mammoth trek up the gill to gate D, with the nasty sideways slope and slipping in the mud, with one trolley going over every ten yards, to ruining the axle and then getting a flat tyre and then the trolley virtually collapsing...broke and ripped the CT flag in half as it went..... dragged the trolley as far as we could ( had another as well), but then the rain started bucketing down and the ground got worse. We managed to drag the trolley through paines and dairy ground but by the time we got into Park home my back was on fire and Jim was literally at the end if his tether and so we gave up and just

    set up where we stood. Came over to Pennards two or three times over the next two days but could never find anyone, however did meet some GREAT people down at the cider bus meet and would also like to thank our queuing buddies Al, Kev (aka the caterpillar) Kev (aka obi wan) and gillmacca for a great night Tuesday night.... lots of laughs and I'm just sorry we couldn't make it over there x

  8. Snow Patrol? been away a while, ad havent played glasto since 04, so before they exploded following the release of eyes open.

    no other festival apearances,would be a nice low key way to showcase there new material with an album forthcoming in the later half of the year. and the time slot would fit tem quite nicely

  9. since we're going to have to go back out to help mates bring stuff in when they arrive later, we're probably bringing twice as many clothes as we usually would. lots of layers, sunny and rainy stuff... if it does turn out to be a wet one, nothing compares to being able to go back to the tent and put warm dry clothes on ready for the next 'assault'!!

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