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Posts posted by toffeemax

  1. i managed to sort out a pitch last year on my own. Went with a mate, he went off looking for a pitch as did i cos we got up there at 7 on thursday evening. Sorted it out by the time we managed to re-meet up. So on that front it's fine. I had all my gear on me aswell as the tent...

  2. erm, if you want druggies waking you up at 4 in the morning and waking up to the sound of hey lad you shagged her yet go dance field. The other place i been was paines field i think it was, pretty chilled atmosphere there. Basically the further away from the stages tends to be the more chilled family friendly areas i found.

  3. I just checked and a girl is selling for £300 with 4 bids! She states its foe a brunette but if you wear sunglasses and a hat you'll be fine!

    And people are selling car park passes for £25+ - you can still buy them from SEE!

    Unbelievable... :angry:

  4. Can you not go to this years glasto after buying a ticket, or do you know of anyone else who has already bought a ticket but due to family reasons or work reasons can not go. This is purely for research basis.

    Many thanks in advance,


  5. i might have a shout for a hospitality pass for the sunday (a friend is ' very close friends' with someone appearing on the pyramid that day). you've all just convinced me i don't want it. :D
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