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Posts posted by fdc

  1. Just started a thread on this and now noticed this one!

    I'm thinking about getting a camper, as I struggled with the lack of sleep this year. In general would you say they are a good investment if you intend to carry on doing festivals but have started appreciating a few comforts?

    Sounds like a bit of a trek to get back to the site though? Is this true for all of the camper parks do you know?

    How reliable are they too? My friend had a split screen which broke down a lot - would you recommend a particular model? Are the newer makes more reliable?

  2. Yeah we all commented on the change in mood on the saturday - people were definitely struggling with it, and i can only imagine that the people i saw passed out in it on the friday weren't feeling too great the following day!

  3. This year I have to admit I struggled a bit with the lack of sleep. We went with a large group, which meant that there was always someone up doing an all nighter out side our tent - which would usually have been me to be honest, but this year I definitely felt a bit older and less able to get on with having no sleep, which was a shame and I actually left thinking that that might be my last festival. :blink: But I'm now thinking I just need to make alternative arrangements! :)

    What are people's experiences with Campers? Is it a massive hassle getting to the car park, and do you feel a bit alienated from the rest of the festival? And more generally do you find maintenance of them a bit of a chore?

    EDIT: Sorry, just seen the other thread

  4. So looking at the clashfinder it was either Bunty or Hooligan night. They played a sort of techno big band set, and it was mint. There were two of them, doing some quite entertaining dancing whilst they mixed. Anyone know which of the above this was? I think the compere said they were from Canada, but i could have that wrong :blink:

  5. Spent Wed -> Thurs constantly saying how lucky we were to be having this weather... then by Sat I started to struggle with it a bit, made it tricky to see some acts. Had to leave West Holts because the sun was right behind the stage. I definitely noticed that people's moods starting to get a bit prickly by the saturday. Over heard quote: "Fcking hell Sally, it's hot for everyone, deal with it". :D

  6. I'm prone to over doing it, wrecked myself for the second of half of The Big Chill a few years ago. I reckon going for it on the Wed is unavoidable, then chill a bit on Thurs, have it again on Friday, take it easy Saturday, then go for it again on the last night.

    (isn't that a Craig David song?) :blink:

  7. I've taken the day off work to pack and all that. But predictably am sat here smoking a spliff, listening to efestivals Spotify play list, motivation to get involved with wardrobes and rucksacks depleting rapidly. :blink:

  8. Bit concerned that this has dropped over to the second page, i don't think we can afford any complacency at this stage.


    We need to close this thing out. I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon, but until then I suggest as many of us as possible continue to obsess over the remaining - barely understood - weather reports between now and kick off.

    EDIT: I'm posting pictures of Germans and I genuinely don't even know why. :blink: Where did this come from? :huh:

  9. What sort of time does the shuttle bus run start on Monday morning? I'm looking at getting the 7:30 train from Castle Cary to Brum and I was wondering if this was feasable?

    If so, what sort of time would I need to leave the site?

    Failing that it'll be the 10:17, but I have a feeling that is going to be rammed :(

  10. I wouldn't normally be getting excited by a Radio 1 event, but I'm really looking forward to this. She actually plays some decent stuff, and that's a quality venue for it! B)

  11. Yep, my last day today too. Getting all giddy and stupid. Off to a mates tomorrow night before meeting everyone early doors wednesday on our mini bus. One last major obstacle to overcome is avoiding getting over excited on tuesday night and getting too drunk. :blink:

  12. St John's Wort sensitizes the skin. people with stomach ulcers or who have had one should *not* take it. if they do they'll eventually get intense stomach pains where the ulcer is or was.

    + maybe fair skinned poeple might get more easily sunburnt.

    Anyway, SJW takes 2-3 days or more to take affect. no good for an instant affect.

    if you want very vivid dreams ... try it.

  13. Please be careful with St John's wort if you are already taking anything that can be considered an anti-depressant - it can be very harmful.

    Also as crow said re contracpetive pills and if there is any chance you are pregnant.

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