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Posts posted by fdc

  1. This is obvious trolling, however:

    Jesus had no problem with drinking, celebration, music or healing herbs. What would jesus do? He'd go to glastonbury, you'd find him in the healing fields ;)

  2. I heard about this but never saw it otherwise my 'selfish c*nt' side of personality might have come out to play as well. 'Do I look like I care my air horn is pissing you off as I follow you round the festival'...

  3. There was a thread about this a week or so before the festival. Have to admit, after years of taking quite large quantities into clubs and festivals without giving it a second's thought, this year I was bricking it, I guess because I'm due to start a new job in the public sector next month and the offer for which, were I caught with drugs, I'm pretty sure would be withdrawn... The other thing was, most of the gear our group was carrying was for people we were meeting in there, which was playing on my mind a lot - would have been typical if I'd have got caught with stuff that wasn't even for me!

    As it turned out, we walked straight in, possibly because of the trolleys stacked high with bags, as suggested above. :lol:

    EDIT: I do think the comments above about where you hide stuff is true. Unless you are properly stripped searched, there's always somewhere on your person you can conceal a reasonable amount of pharamceuticals :D:blink:

  4. My and the missus are tentatively planning on getting ourselves a van, doing it up as a camper, and then doing a festival tour around Europe in a few years time, so this is an interesting thread for me! B)

    Can you take campers to the festivals mentioned above - in particular Exit, as that's one that I've heard rave reviews for from friends?

    EDIT: Edited to correct school-boy grammatical errors :huh:

  5. Something I wish someone had said to me:

    Although the build-up is dead exciting, and it's impossible not to obsess over who's playing and where - once you're there, forgot about most of that and just see where you end up and who you see. There's too much to try and plan, especially if you're with others and you'll only stress yourself out.

  6. From the Thursday onwards my voice was shot, sounded like a blues singer. Thought it was just the fags - i'd given up for a few months previous but then got on about 40 a day for five days - but when i was at one of those general-store vans I overheard loads of people asking for throat sweets, only for the vendor to say over and over again that they'd sold out. I assumed there was a bug doing the rounds? Fine now though.

  7. Yeah I fought my way out of the pyramid after Faithless, partly to get away from the crowds that were getting on my tits, and partly to catch the Levellers. They were very good, Inside/Outside and Together All The Way being the highlights for me.

  8. No height restrictions per se (although I think a couple of fields do have height restrictions of 4 metres due to overhead power lines).

    Converting your own van: "What counts as 'suitable fitted facilities' in a camper/caravan?

    Your campervan/caravan MUST have purpose-built fitted sleeping facilities and either fitted cooking or washing facilities. Any converted vehicles must clearly be live-in vehicles. This does not mean simply a van with a piece of foam cut to size for a bed, and a bucket for washing!"

    Anything longer than 7 metres will require you to buy two campervan passes (although I'm not sure if they'd get a tape measure out if you were only slightly longer than that).

    Check out this page for more info: http://www.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk/information/accommodation/campervans-and-caravans

  9. I've decided, I'm going to convert my own camper... :blink:

    Don't ask me how, as haven't the slightest idea, and i certainly wouldn't describe myself as being into DIY. But it seems like a fun thing to do, and the bonus is that it *should* cost a hell of a lot less than buying a camper, and at the end of it i should have a more reliable machine that will be able to take my around Europe for a few months.

    So anyway, just been checking the Glastonbury website to see what kinds of vehicles they allow into the camper car park, and it says:

    Please check the website for more information about which types of vehicles can use these fields.
  10. Discovered The Glade stage sunday this year, agree it's great, a really nice antidote to the crowds of the bigger stages. Saw Alabama 3 and Levellers, both had small, intimate crowds that were still big enough for the size of the stage. Would have loved to have seen The Orb here, i bet it was great.

  11. This may be a really daft question. Actually it's not - it's two daft questions...

    1. What are awnings used for? Presumably you sleep inside the van - that's half the point, right?

    2. The raised roofs - are these for extra headroom, or just for additional sleeping space?

  12. As someone seriously thinking about saving up for a camper, just wanted to say thanks for some of the info on this thread - it's given me a good starting point to start digging about! :)

    (just need to work out a way of raising the cash between now and next June :blink: )

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