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Led festivals

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Posts posted by Led festivals

  1. Rolling Scones

    Sly and the Family Scone

    Queens of the Scone Age


    None of these work with my pronunciation of scone, I just love a good scone.


    Meadona for honey booze sister of Madonner.



  2. Just watched the doc. It was fascinating. What struck me was how alien that well-to-do Christian middle class deference to authority and conformity now seems. I had family from down that way, and the  neighbour really reminded me of my great Aunt. Does this version of little England exist anymore?

  3. 1 hour ago, LinvoyPrimus said:

    Pulp on The Park and QOTSA/TV on the Radio on The Other were all-time sets for me though.

    I was dead on my feet that Sunday until TV on the Radio. Did they play Ghostbusters? They definitely did in my head. The set was a belter and really brought me back to life. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Chip Batch said:

    Squid don't play Houseplants live much these days -  in case that influences you. Not the last few times I've seen them anyway.

    This makes me sad. It’s a perennial classic in our house for my daughter’s ’dance parties’. Might actually have to re-listen to some of their albums now…

  5. After being disappointed by the initial release the lineup is now looking excellent and it’s really hard to choose!

    Squid:  Houseplants

    LCD: Been a fan for years, been at Glasto at the same time as them and I’ve still never seen them. I feel their songs will hit different now I’m also over the hill.

    Barry can’t Swim:  to see what all the fuss is about. My seven year old enjoys his music. Alas, she won’t be there!

     Johnny Flynn:  A Larum is a nostalgic classic for me. I just hope he plays some of it!

    Hagop Tchaparian: Reminds me of 2010ish James Holden in a good way


    Bonus mentions to Justice, Jamie XX, Alvvays and Lankum.

  6. Because of my profession I don’t get to go very often unfortunately.


    2011: we had a big crew going and camped up near the Park after a few years in Big Ground. I was still in the midst of a PhD and on the tail end of lots of travelling for research and fun. Life just felt very carefree. I made some

    bad choices (QOTSA instead of Beyonce), but this is a running theme of my Glastonbury experience. The Thursday just felt completely magical wandering around with an eclectic mix of friends.


    2009: My first. After growing up in Leeds and making the annual rite of passage to the festival a few times Glasto just hit different. I was totally in awe of the place and had a great group of friends there. Neil was incredible and although I barely remember the evening I’m told we had a great time at Prodigy (it should have been Blur!).


    2019: My first back after a long hiatus made a little harder because of some tough volunteering shifts in the heat. It was a good friend’s stag which made it special, if a little OiOi, although I missed some fun due to working. Still, walking over to Pyramid after the heat of a long shift while Vampire Weekend played into the sunset was a magical moment, and although I’m not much of a pop fan, I loved the Miley Kylie double header. Also, I finally got to see the Cure!


    2010: we had the smallest crew this time. This was before I lived in Asia and the heat really killed me. The Flaming Lips had been my favourite band for years at that point and I was a bit bummed everyone else wanted to see Gorrilaz. I went solo and making friends with the people around me and singing along is an abiding festival memory and one of my all time favourite gigs. Missed Stevie Wonder and LCD and regretted both. I’ve still never seen the latter so I’m hoping for good things this year.

  7. My mate has also booked us into this. What do people actually think the walk time will be to the main stages? I'm having flashbacks to my last time on the farm when the already quite considerable hike back to the Oxfam camping was exacerbated by inebriated meandering. I might need to get my fitness up in the next few weeks!

    • Like 1
  8. Hello all,


    I've revived this zombie account (made in 2004 apprently, hence then terrible name) again due to resale success. Massively excited. It's a bit of a distance -- around 10000k as the crow flies -- but by some miracle my wife has allowed me to start our summer holiday to the UK 10 days early sans kids. This will hopefully give me some time to beat the jet-lag before the gates open, unlike my last time in 2019 which was amazing, but hard work. 

    • Like 1
  9. Bob Dylan is the most disappointing live act I've seen. I know he's terse and he's gone through a lot of musical evolution, but throw the audience a bone now and again Bob. We want to recognise at least one sing! It was made worse by a Singaporean audience: getting excited at gigs just doesn't seem a thing here.


    Aside from the already mentioned Paul Simon (2010?), who was abysmal, I thought Laura Marling absolutely tanked on the Pyramid (maybe the same year), and massively regret leaving Broken Social Scene for Toots and the Maytals in '09. They were really, really flat and I've never got chance to see BSS again.

  10. This stuff is amazing. 

    I was certainly a rum skeptic (probably because of basic white Bacardi) but a mate from Saint Lucia converted me. 

    Sure, some of the darker ones are quite sugary, but there is also a level of complexity with tobacco flavours etc. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, Chubby Dude in a Tiny Car said:

    but is that really the case tho?

    it seems that first timers these days are not in wide-eyed amazement - because they HAVE seen it. 

    endless videos & pictures, and endless messages means that they have seen it all before they even get there - and the only reason for being there is to create more videos, pictures and messages to feed into the never ending stream of it all...


    I didn't notice the phone issue too much this year, not when compared to other festivals and concerts. It is also just a fact of modern life that we need to learn to accept. I am a teacher, and social media often feels alien and weird to me (old school message boards aside), but that is the medium through which a lot of students articulate their excitement and wonder surely?

    I also might have a slightly biased perspective because I was there with a bunch of newbies. They weren't too phone-centric (perhaps because they were in their 30s) and their energy certainly helped keep me going when I was flagging after an 8 hour night shift!

  12. I think realistically while we all want a return to glory days of easy tickets, the festival is better as a result of younger newbies coming in. The great thing about Glastonbury is the buzz, and sure, some of that is from the community of old-timers who call the festival a second home, but just as much comes from the wide-eyed first-timers who have never seen anything quite like it.

    I'm salty I've not got a ticket this year, but if this level of demand keeps the festival as vibrant and as culturally significant as it is, then it is for the best really. There's always volunteering!

  13. Greeting's fellow resalers.

    Not new to the forum, but an irregular poster definitely.

    Had a mare this year. A helper got through for the coach sale but didn't copy and paste from the spreadsheet and put things in wrong. By the time it was rectified, they'd gone. Still, it was nice to have people helping.

    If anyone is considering Oxfam, I can only add another voice to the positivity chorus. They are a lovely bunch, and you do see the festival in a new light. I currently live in Singapore though and finish work on the Friday before, so it makes the combination of jet-lag and a 7 day festival difficult.

  14. Failed from here in Singapore yesterday. We've lived here 3 years now (and two years in Bangkok)  Will try again Sunday. 


    Failed last year too, but got in with a volunteer place. We come back anyway to see family with our two young daughters. Glastonbury was my week away from Dad time. Hopefully doing the same if all goes well on Sunday.

    I did go in 2009-11 back when I was a student at Nottingham university. 

  15. As a big fan of the new album I really enjoyed them at BST in Hyde Park last night, but the VIP barrier thing really separates the actual fans and I thought this made the crowd very indifferent outside of a few pockets. The sound was also so-so. I think everyone was really there to see Florence.

  16. Anyone else going to British Summer Time in Hyde Park? Not sure what to expect in terms of set times and beer prices. Massively looking forward to it, even if the 'festival' is a corporate w*nk-fest.

  17. I returned to two very poo-ey children. Manky nappies are rank at the best of times!

    Given that my wife allowed me to attend without the kids she's low on sympathy so I'm having to suffer the post-fest sickness in silence. I really should have cut the Sunday night short before the 3am dive into the SE corner. 

  18. There was an amazing katsu curry place somewhere. I went to it three times. It tasted pretty authentic to me, and came with great pickled toppings on top of the standard chicken/rice/curry element. I assume it was somewhere near William's Green as that was my standard route down from/  back to ped gate B. Hope it's there again next year. 


    I also second the poutine. F'kin' amazing drunk food. I used to cynically moan that it was just overpriced, gimmicky chips, cheese and gravy, but now I'm one fully converted Northerner. They were great on sorting out people with food allergies/intolerances too. 

  19. One of these saved my life after my night shift. Massively recommend them if anyone's in need of a new tent. Not sure I'd have survived the festival without it. I didn't get back in after the shift until 7 and in years gone by the heat has woken me by 0930. I managed to get through until midday this year. 

  20. It was certainly too hot to be stewarding in the sun. Got mild heat exhaustion after two days. Probably perfect weather if you're able to duck in to shelter for a few hours

  21. 1 hour ago, Ozanne said:

    5pm? Where’s that from? Seems a bit tight but I assume you’ll be fine!


    1 hour ago, Ozanne said:

    5pm? Where’s that from? Seems a bit tight but I assume you’ll be fine!

    It's from Bristol. I assume it'll make the briefing if Oxfam have put it on? Although I'm more interested in a bar crawl...

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