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Status Updates posted by RichieParf

  1. there's something strangely ad simultaneously empowering and disappointing about disagreeing quite strongly with both sides of an argument...

  2. remember history students! Come to the AGM next week and VOTE RICHARD PARFITT FOR HISTSOC VICE-PRESIDENT

  3. and Alex Hail are aiming to be sober in time for their seminar - will they succeed?

  4. any southampton people buying reading fest tickets tonight?

  5. tbh, if all I'm gonna do when I go home is sit on fb, is there really any need for me to leave the library?

  6. Charlotte Cooper vs the army of insects. My money's on the insects...

  7. wishes journalists would at least try and hide the enjoyment in their voices as they report on videos of Japan

  8. had a dream last night that Eddie Murphy was telling me off for swearing at a film he put on which had no sound. He gave me detention for it too :(

  9. well up for tonight :) Bring on Reel Big Fish (official) :D

  10. to sobar or not to sobar?

  11. David Wigram: 'So you won't get raped and I'll be on time, its all good'

  12. progressively more work, progressively lower grades, no doubt the feedback will be incredibly useful.

  13. has a job at legoland for the summer :D

  14. facebook's current condition: Does not pout update son my profile, does not show newly uploaded pictures, notifies me multiple times of the same event, opens a conversation window with Shawney Murphy everytime I refresh the page. I'm going back to myspace...

  15. Petr Cech on the last few minutes of Chelsea vsFulham: "Anybody could have got the equaliser" - in a nil-nil draw, an equaliser would certainly be an achievement

  16. so the dictator steps down and hands power (unconstitutionally, so far as I'm aware), to the military... am I the only one who sees a problem?

  17. just had to pay £70 in unpaid tuition fees. I dislike today.

  18. what the hell kind of historian writes 'she was the like the old woman who lived in a shoe'?

  19. Dan Tor: "If you go a few weeks without drinking you could buy a suit!"

  20. deadline day excitement... me wants torres!

  21. somewhere between hanging and actually dead

  22. would like to apologise to all the people of the holy land, its surrounding regions and to the French for all my pillaging. I promise not to do it again and to be a much better crusader. Rachael Merrison, I hope this is a satisfactory apology.

  23. has now decorated his room with pictures of ALL YOU PEOPLE :) I feel like Robin Williams in One Hour Photo :D

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