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Posts posted by Andy0808

  1. Its not V missing an opportunity, Vampire Weekend are an American act, if they're just touring Europe in June/July then V can't book them if they aren't avaliable, the way it works is bands like that come over and tour European festivals, their last european festival is Lattitude in mid July and then they are playing a festival in Japan and thats it. they aren't going to come back to Europe for just V a month after their last European date, its clearly Vampire Weekends choice that they don't want to play Europe in August, otherwise im sure V, Pukkelpop, Lowlands, Sziget, Frequency and all the othetrs would have booked them

    Anyway it still might happen, Im just not holding my breath

  2. loool this made me laugh.

    a boy from my school got scammed out of a V ticket due to this site and has been the center of jokes for the last month because of it. so i wouldnt bother.

    we've been pranking their phone line the last few weeks and they answered once saying "sport tickets" realised they were wrong and hung up, and have sworn down the phone at us. either very unprofessional and real

    or just a bunch of con artists

  3. I think Festival Republic has one on their site... or will soon enough

    But... he's one I made


    Its basically got all the bands in the first announcement top 5 songs based on Spotify

    Its not my taste in favourite songs... so don't slay me for it... or what I know is good or not.

    Its gonna be my way in going of hearing all the bands... and seeing if I find one I would love to see.

    Hope its okay :P

  4. a friend regretfully bought two weekend tickets from www.leeds-festival.net in the haste of things. im pretty sure this is a fake site? anyone wanna shed some light?

    she made the simple error of googling "leeds tickets" and yeah, she's £400 down.

    (where as i have 3 early birds and 3 weekend tickets :P)

    oh and the line up is INSANE.

  5. the chances of Guns n roses and libertines pissing people off at the festival must be quite high...

    doherty being imprisoned a few weeks before therefore missing the festival has got to be likely

    aswell as one person throwing a bottle landing on stage next to Axl who stops the gig and then gets a translator to come on stage to tell us to behave :P

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