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a blog from the mind(s) of in5omniac

Entries in this blog

Hello mister unknown feeling

So today was Sunday (for me Sunday is a day which ends at 12pm on an actual Sunday, the space between Sunday and Monday doesn't have an name, but it's a different day, it's my day of rest I suppose) and it began in the second of two usual ways (wake up on Alarm 1: 4am XFM, wake up on Alarm 2: 4.30am Radio1), and some time between 5 and 6, on my way to work I got a funny feeling, though it's becoming a more familiar feeling now, this is by far not the first occurence. It was a feeling of nausea,



Sorry I missed you mister SMS guy

So of course Sod's Law dictated that my Leeds Festival ticket would arrive while I was at work, so I've rearranged it for Tuesday delivery now instead. Thats pretty much all I've got to say about today, also I ordered some new guitar pickups from America, it works out cheaper than getting them from the UK. Oh well, back to work at 6am tomorrow



Hello mister Thief

So, you may have read this in discussions, but I'm putting it here too. Last night while I was asleep, somebody broke into my house, and upon discovering my room was unlocked, decided to go right on in, where pretty much all my posessions are. I woke up when he came into my room, but was unfortunately not alert enough to stop him making an escape with my tent after he looked at me and said "sorry mate" - sorry you got caught you son of a bitch. Thankfully my spotting them didnt give any chanc



Good morning mister Locksmith

I was on the captains log this morning and someone just unlocks the back door (of the house - you dirty minded bastards) and starts asking me through the bathroom door if theres a light up to the attic, well I tell him there is and that its dead, but he finds the spare one at the top of the stairs and fits it. Much drilling and noisiness later, I assume he's fitted new locks to the attic rooms, as he was gone by the time I'd had my shower (this was quite a bit after the first visit to the bathr



Entry number 1

Welcome to my first efests blog, let me make up a poem right now for you. In the greenest tree where the antelopes sleep is the fattest bee looking for a sheep The bee is only happy when it finds a sheep to give a good slappy until it is rendered to sleep



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