Glastonbury Festival 2003
Friday 27th to Sunday 29th June 2003Worthy Farm, Pilton, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 4AZ, England MAP
£105 (plus booking fee plus postage) - SOLD OUT!
Daily capacity: 150,000
Stumbling upon this band almost by accident (I was passing an empty Avalon Stage tent and was beckoned to enter), I had no idea what to expect. A group of hillbilly types came on stage and immediately launched into raucous country gig music. My foot began to tap, people started to dance manicly, I was grabbed by half-naked crusty who twirled me into dancing. I was hooked.
I danced along with the crazy people to this crazy band and then the crowd called for "ace of spades". I thought this was a joke. The band replied with "what do you think we are, a rock band?" And then they stormed into truly wonderful rendition of this rock classic. This is what tales of Glastonbury of old are made of, shows that the best of Glastonbury is out there hiding in unexpected corners.
review by "daverave"
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