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finding my god




As an easy way to take some load of the main eFestivals server, I've fairly recently created some new sub-domains of eFestivals.co.uk on another server, of 'images', and 'archive'.

While these are good for their created purposes, I've realised since I set them up that they're only really any good for those specific purposes, and aren't particularly good for use for any other purposes. If I was to carry on in the same way I could end up with tens of different use-specific sub-domains which starts to become a nightmare to manage, if only due to having to remember each one and its purpose. So I've been trying to think of a name which would be suitable to encompass all possible uses of a second server.

I don't fancy using the fairly standard 'www2' for a second server, and had been running various options thru my head without anything jumping out at me as particularly good ....so I thought about using a Greek mythological god, as there's a tradition of those being used to name servers. As I'm not particularly familiar with Greek gods, I googled for them and ended up on the wiki page which has a comprehensive listing.

I'd been thinking that I'd pick a short name for easy convenience such as 'zeus', but there was one that jumped right out at me as so suitable that it just had to be used - Dionysus.

According to Wiki, Dionysus is the "God of wine, parties/festivals, madness and merriment. He represents not only the intoxicating power of wine, but also its social and beneficial influences. His symbols are the grape vine, ivy, and thyrsus." .... what could be more suitable for a festivals website server? :(

So a sub-domain dionysus.efestivals.co.uk is going to be created, and over the next few months the references to 'archive.efestivals.co.uk' and 'images.efestivals.co.uk' will be removed from eFestivals, with everything moved to the new dionysus.efestivals.co.uk sub-domain. If you happen to notice this sub-domain being used, you now know that it's genuine.



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