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Posts posted by fogofogo

  1. Whats up Glastonbury?

    I know its last minute, but I have a camper van ticket available for West (white) if anyone wants to buy it. You can have it for cost price, or make me an offer. I'm in London (Old street and Finsbury park) and my friends are travelling to the festival tomorrow so could arrange to meet you there.

    I also have my festival ticket if anyone wants it. But you'll need to look like a handsome b@st@rd :)

    Try to have a good time without me.


  2. Yes, same thing happened to me in 2010. Called See who said they would look for it! I have visions of the staff crawling around the office on all fours searching for my lost campervan ticket. They called me back and said that although they couldn't locate it they would post me another, which they did.

    Use this to contact them, you get a more knowledgeable person calling you back usually :)


  3. Hey

    This morning I skipped my way down to the post office to collect my festival ticket and 2 camper van tickets. The post guy handed me my letter, I sat down, opened it; 1 festival ticket and 1 camper van ticket. Shit bombs.

    On my festival ticket it says "campervan EAST BLUE 2", but there was only 1 blue and pink campervan ticket. What is more scary is the fact that there is no bar-code on it. Which means its not scannable, and my name is not printed on it; anyone can use it basically.

    So I rang SEE TICKETS, explained, and the guy said their dispatch people would call me back. I asked him if the outcome of this is going be good or bad. After an uncomfortable pause, he said "Hmmmm, it might not be good". I guess I'll just have to wait and see what goes down.

    Anyone else have any issue like this?

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