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Mr Weazle

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Posts posted by Mr Weazle

  1. Thanks for the post. :)

    Would you say that if Glastonbury embraced Indian culture and music more than it does, that they'd be a greater likelihood that your family would become aware of what Glastonbury is about, and (putting aside the fact that you've obviously introduced them to something about it already) become more likely to attend?

    From the other side, I don't believe that (say) having an Indian music stage of some kind would have anything but a handful of the average white middle class types say "Glastonbury now has Indian music, so I'm not going", so there's not really any downside with this as far as I can see. I find it hard to grasp why some are saying "it's fine as it is, we don't need to do this" when there'd be no negative impact on those people by such a change; is there something about this idea which is scaring them for some reason?

    As I've said already, whether or not Glastonbury should be doing something about this comes down to what the Eavii are aiming at doing with their festival, but I'd say for the majority of Glasto goers they like to think of it as all-embracing and attractive to all in British society, when the reality gets to show that it's not - but it could be.

  2. Well im indian and i came with my sister, cousin and friend (who is also indian) this year so we probably had 25% of the ethnics at glasto in our group. Saying that the remainder of our 10 people group were white. My sister and cousin are into "white boy indie".

    Generally none of my family know what glastonbury is about, it is a culture/music thing. I am a minority in a minority as i am into my techno, i see the same thing going to places like warehouse project etc, there arent many indians/asians into it. They like RnB Hip Hop and asian music and dont like camping.

    Saying that my mum and aunty are coming to the next glasto to sell indian food and/or work with the hare krishnas. not sure if i will take them to shangri la tho!

  3. Not sure if this has been asked before, still not got email from the Tipi organisers regarding info about what to do. Does anyone know what the procedure is this year for getting my tipi as See are being unhelpful! (surprising)


  4. I bet if we were predicted heatwave and pure sunshine even Mr Efesitvals would be posting "sexist pictures"

    I dont see how a pic of a german woman is sexist? By posting them we are not saying "men are better than women"

  5. If glastonbury has good drainage, like my golf course does, then most of the water will be drained away. it rains a lot in sheffield and my course stays relatively dry.

    The south west has been extremely dry, any water that does fall will mostly drain away. This may mean puddles but not a mud bath like 2007. In 07 it was raining constantly for weeks before where as at the moment it hasnt rained nearly as much (i dont think, havent seen the stats tho).

    Dont panic people!

  6. We can still get rubbish weather without the Greenland high.

    It was shown breaking down on the 06z yesterday, only to reappear in the other runs. The main thing is that it's not nailed on - it can break down.

    The other thing is that we're using the NFRNFC scale which looks bad because everything from wet mist to torrential downpour = fail. We're very much at the occasional shower end of the spectrum. Obviously still shite, but more along the lines of the small shite left in the toilet by the attractive lady before you, rather than falling in a longdrop shite.

  7. The thing about this weather currently though, as I have said before is its so changeable.

    Right now above me is plenty of blue sky and some unthreatening white cloud, but this has all appeared in the time in took me to go into the kitchen, pick out 2 oranges, cut them up and eat them.

    So about 10-12 minutes ago there were quite dark clouds and rain - now its sunny and looking good.

    Whatever the forcasts tell us in the next week it all seems just so instantly changeable away.

  8. some good news from the netweather forum:

    "Cracking update in the charts tonight, just take a look that's the best update so far, but there is a long way to go yet"

    "I suspect with charts like that the south would be seeing 30c plus with the rest of the UK in the mid to high 20's "

    This is for about 21st June.

  9. they are useless, this year again i had to call them up to arrange delivery. Same thing happened last year, apparently they were waiting for me to contact them! So if in doubt, call them up.

  10. A period of 5 days of perfect sunshine is always a tough ask in this country, even in so called 'Hottest months', but I can just feel it.

    This is it, this is going to be a year I have a bone dry Glastonbury :D

  11. I reckon the manager at See had just got laid because i have never heard tickets being given "due to misleading info by the telephone sales team"

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