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Posts posted by TinSoldier

  1. Saw Nick Cave at Cambridge Folk Festival a while back when he headlined and he was superb even though I'm not a huge fan. As a live act he's got enough presence to carry off a headline slot on the Woods stage. Think he'd be a superb headliner. Would also love to see Sigur Ros but this seems unlikely.

  2. Didn't have any problems myself, security was low key but I prefer it that way.

    Main point of my post is that after the early problems a telephone number was fly posted around the site to ring if anyone spotted anything suspicious. Might it be an idea to have a security hotline number printed in the programme/posted around site so if people do spot anything suss they can easily contact security?

  3. Everything I had was pretty decent, special mention to the handmade Organic burgers which were fantastic if a bit on the pricey side and the Chocolate Ice Cream.

    Bit of a disappointment that the small veggie stall just inside the entrance from last year had disappeared as it kept me fed all weekend. The Real Ales didn't quite live up to the promise either but overall I was a pretty happy pixie.

  4. Glastonbury. Great, something for everyone.

    Beautiful Days. Never been (as difficult time of year for me to get time off) but everyone that I know that goes raves about it.

    Latitude. Hmmmmm. Some great things BUT If you're used to the End of the Road "doing it for the love of it" ethos you might find the priorities of the Latitude organisers a bit hard to swallow. They weren't called "Mean Fiddler" because they were good at the violin.

    Why not try a small local festival you might be surprised, some of the best I've been to.

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